Which is the better game?
Which is the better game?
RDR2 didn't make me feel miserable and dirty.
Red Dead 2, it may be clunky but at least it's an experience. TLOU 2 just made me roll my eyes with how contrived it was. The amount of times Ellie has someone at gunpoint only for them to immediately get the upper hand is fucking retarded.
What is it with Sony and the Bow and Arrow?
Did you play it? That's exactly how it made me feel, particularly the Strauss missions
Why don't video games let us play as the good guy anymore?
RDR2, better gameplay, better world, way better story and writing
Farcry 3
> the Strauss missions
Some of those were great. The one that led to the cave with the mountain lion was fucking superb.
None of that is a patch on how relentlessly miserable TLoU2 is.
They're both movie games so I'll choose neither.
I've played them both and hated them.
Red Dead by about a million miles
Don’t you dare insulting RDR2 again you nigger
TLOU2 is probably one of the worse games I’ve ever bought on PS4 while RDR2 is an amazing experience
>movie game
Gameplay is what matters so TLOU
> better gameplay
> better world
seek help
I don't like 1998 gameplay, so tlou2
>Tranny telling others to seek help
not a lot of good guys kill people
>main character has a vagina
i will now buy your video game for $60 USD MSRP
>hates movie games
>sees two of the longest movie games ever made
>”I’ll play them both!”
You got the big dumb bud
Who cares? Both are shit.
Stupid question anyway, because TLOU2 is fucking trash.
RDR2 has based Hosea who's better than every TLOU2 character put together so that.
This isn’t even a reasonable question
TLOU2 is beyond garbage and probably the worst “game” ever made
At least RDR2 didn’t have an agenda
I miss Arthur bros
More than half of RDR2 is horseback conversations and cutscenes. The rest is bare bones cover shooter sections. It's terrible. Writing is pretty good though so it's unfortunate that it wasn't an actual movie or tv show.
RDR2 easily
from who? any qualified professional would agree with him.
Got heavily discouraged with RDR2 when the game didn't let me shoot Micah in the face during/after his rampage. Did not play TLOU2 because it's not on PC and I didn't really like the first one anyway.