What did Zig Forums think of this?

What did Zig Forums think of this?

Looks to be 20 on steam rn, worth the grab?

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Not even worth a pirate, and I'm being serious.

Pirate it if you must play it. Steam viersion has DRM that'll make it run a good 10fps worse off.
But it's fine for the first half, it's kinda comfy to drive around with the lads and have a road trip. Second half is not so good.

Boyband roadtrip, beautiful ost, not worth it if its not the complete edition with all the episodes


fuck off with this stupid fucking buzzword

It was fun for 4 hours
Then I realised I couldnt feasibly die, and then it became sad, the story was not even good since all the good stuff happened off screen. You dont even get 5 minutes to grow attached to your 'awesome' kingdom that you are supposed to want back. You see it for 5 seconds in a cut scene.
If royal edition added HARD MODE the game would have been saved
baby game kingdom hearts gets the ultra hard mode but not the game marketed to young adults?


It isn't worth the drive space required considering how shit it is.

What about fun? :^)

Nothing "fun" about driving around with nothing to do, looking at nothing and listening to the same 7 lines of dialogue and listening to music from better entries in the series.

I was starting to enjoy the road trip with friends aspect. Started getting into it as the story starts revving up ...and then it ended. Ot set up that Noctus has to go collect weapons from different family tombs, but after the first one the game fucking skips to end.

Yeah, they fucking ruined any attachment you might have by putting all the initial exposition in the Kingsglaive movie. I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to divide it into a film and an anime. And then they topped it off with paid DLC, oh boy.

Idk man, I liked fishing at least.

>wanting anything to do with this absolute clusterfuck
>a clusterfuck so bad it needs an autist like XV-kun to defend it

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It's COMFY x2. If you arent in the mood for collectathon, watching pretty environments, listening to chatter, reading flavor text, and simple flashy combat, then the game will be shit. If you are in that kind of mood and want to listen to beautiful music as you ride a chocobo on a pretty field of grass as the sun sets and your bro's chat, then the game will be 10/10

I fell into that trap too. Think I got it for like $15. It is super gay and does not feel like a FF game at all. Don't think I got very far in it before saying nope for good. Got to some town where you meet annoying not-girlfriend waifu who forces you to take a tour with her and I put the game down at that point.

FPBP. The money you lose is whatever but the TIME you'll lose waiting for the game to get good is more precious.

Anyone notice every other franchise is trying to have their own Barry?
I was in a thread earlier and I kept being called Alex.
It's kind of sad since Barry is funny because he is real, not a made up guy like these others

>game is 10/10 if you're braindead

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No, it's 10/10 if you enjoy ART

unironically games are not meant for that
the only way you will enjoy that is if you, in real life got some friends to hang out with in a field maybe with some beer, ride a bike or something

If the best the game has is the feeling I get when I see my mates in the common it has failed, ESPECIALLY as a FINAL FANTASY game.
There are indies which do it waaaay better

half the monsters were from a chinese asset store, square artists didnt touch them
it is not a good ART game

>calling this bland uninspired borefest of a game art

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>does not feel like a FF game at all
this is a good thing, FF is a trash fire
that being said, XV is just bad in the opposite direction
Noctis was alright, though

It was great. Too bad the pics whatshisface took didnt automatically upload to my screenshot folder.

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Noctis is worse than Gladio and Ignis.
He is very bland, the most interesting things about him were explored in the demo, the one which was all Alice in wonderland, with playing with the size, it shrinks noctis and you play around as a tiny person in his kitchen, it reminded me of kingdom hearts 1
the game itself has no interesting things like that.
Noctis never gets any depth, it should have focused on the power of his dreams, sleeping

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No. Combat is terrible, and the pacing is stupid. Day/Night Cycle is annoying.

Ignis was the best character, hands down. He's the only reason I collected as many goddamn ingredients as I did.

>everything bad
>Noctis good tho

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The game is fun but poorly paced. Beginning is too slow and end is too fast.

>playing single-player FF past X or even XII

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Imagine thinking this game was a masterpiece. FF15 shits on it.

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I liked it. But I've got quite poor taste.

I enjoyed it enough to get the plat on ps4 but it's a horrible fucking game that I will never play again. The fishing mini-game is kino though.

Is FF X any good? do I need a guide to play it or is it brainlet friendly?

>I enjoyed it enough to get the plat on ps4 but it's a horrible fucking game
Is this brain damage?

I'm just a trophy whore.

Weak b8

Shit didn't finish my sentence. I'm a trophy whore because of the brain damage.

N-N-N-N-NOPE nu final fantasy is turbo trash.

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>needing a guide for any FF

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