I can go to the fucking Grand Exchange, pick up ash on the ground, and sell it as cocaine for tons of gold.
List 1 reason why OSRS is so kino
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Weapons dont have lol random generated status and legendary effects
they lock you out of your own bank for running out of membs/cant sell memb items x-D -
can play it 100% for free by buying membership with in game gold
pest control :^)
Never played Pest Control, but anything with cats has to be kino. r-right guys?
I meant kino stuff that Runescape 3 doesn't also have.
So a free user should be allowed to use members items?
I don't think you know how to monetize games to well.
The fact they don't DELETE members only items from your bank when your membership runs out is kino in of itself.
if you run out of days on your membership trial before you buy another bond then youre forced back into f2p worlds while not being able to use any of the membership items you were using and also not being able to put them back in the bank. you cant even deposit membership stuff if your bank is full of membership items because they also put a bank limit that is almost immediately surpassed upon buying your first bond. so you have to make the choice then of deleting all of the membership items you had so you can use your bank again, begging somebody to buy you a bond, or by buying the bond/gold.
>so you have to make the choice then of deleting all of the membership items you had so you can use your bank again
Schizo found
deposit any items* if your banks is "full"
lazy detractor spotted
I shouldn't have to put in effort to prove you wrong when you're so blatantly wrong that anyone who plays the game could figure it out easily.
i like osrs because it filters out all the zoomers
tell me a simple solution then idiot
>simple solution
How do I tell you a solution for a problem that doesn't exist? I guess maybe take your meds on time?
Fuck Jagex those cucks keep adding in degenerate tranny shit and keep forcing gay pride events into the game. Now they've gone too far joining in on the blm shit forcing back the chat filter even though they already had a profanity filter for the thin skinned bitches.
any long time player that runs out of days on their membership trial before buying another bond will be utterly kek't into buying a bond from you idiots because of the ridiculous sanctions on the bank for members that lose their membership because of.. which will guarantee that your bank is a fully unusable mess should you be reverted back to f2p
I love gay pride events catering to my lifestyle choices
There is nothing I like more than playing old school runescape after another surgery to keep my new front hole going.
This, it makes upgrading your equipment actually satisfying.
Excuse me, WHAT
We need another riot with everyone spamming n1gger to protest against the cuck chat filter, we will not kneel to the niggers Jagex!
Chat Filter? What?
>keep at least 5 million coins in your bank
>or a bonus bond
>or sell any free to play shit you have that's worth money
god I fucking hate talking to runescape people because they're all fucking autistic faggots. exactly like you!
Got hacked for 1b and lost my username, was considering starting fresh on my account like an ironmeme (2100 total). Do I do it lads?
>dont have the problem in the first place
nice solution faggot
Jagex recently reimplemented part of their old chat filter that has been completely optional for like 8 years now, but only for a few words like nigger. It's likely a more corporate decision that originated from someone higher up on the rs3 team who doesn't understand the osrs playerbase. Pkers are just going to start saying jogger or whatever to bypass it and embarrass them for this empty virute signaling bullshit.
Schizo. They wouldn't do that because it'd kill their good playerbase
literally fucking yes
i know "don't be a fucking knuckle dragging retard" is a foreign concept to you, but please try to wrap your mind around it
because, you know, apparently saving up 5 mill over the course of fucking 2 weeks is hard. right?
Are you some fucking moron from /vg/? Fuck off.
After getting qpc and fire cape, two of the longest time goals i've had, i feel like i now know even less about the game. Nearing base 80s and still learning new shit every day. fucking peak kino
Fake news. Jagex is greedy they woudln't make decisions that would hurt their fanbase.
This. It's nice playing with other old people
its a scummy practice that comes off as desperate
Try out Vidyascape, private server with a small dedicated base with 2.25x xp and is true to old Runescape 2 (no GE and what not).
>no GE.
The GE is literally the most kino part of the game.
Because everyone hangs out at the GE all the fucking time and most other parts of the world are empty outside of some autistic skiller running around in full graceful gear.
That is literally why osrs is a thing in the first place. The mere existance of osrs is a slap in the face to the rs3 team, and a deserved one. At least Jagex rolled with it and put competent people on it early on to breathe life into it, unlike Blizzard who did Classic kicking and screaming practically begging for the game to die. Now the osrs dev team is too large with too many newcomers that want to pump out garbage content to justify their positions - the game is already declining in several ways. It's still fun and has several years left, but its peak is definitely behind it. Also the playerbase is getting too large and attracting mouthbreathers like that whine about the "new" death mechanics and other dumb shit.
the grand exchange killed the magic and soul of the game
>killed the magic and soul of the game
yeah the bots suck, but like again I CAN DEAL COCAINE!
The zybez marketplace was no better, and w2 was filled with trading bots and low IQ scammers wasting my time.
I made tons of friends from trading on zybes. Meanwhile the GE is a faceless and soulless automaton.
>The GE is literally the most kino part of the game.
How do I know you are a Zoomer?