Oh no no nonono
Oh no no nonono
Green lantern game incoming.
How does Microsoft have so much money
Microsoft Office and their cloud services.
Bill Gates sells children to pedo politicians.
So if they buy these studios, what IPs come along with them?
Windows and Office
Mortal Kombat and the developers. The IPs and licenses don't come with but its likely Microsoft will get them for a bit. If it happens next batman and MK will be PC and XBOX only.
>So if they buy these studios, what IPs come along with them?
They'll license the IPs from Warner Bros.
>market cap hit $1.6T today
b-but they don't have enough money to do this...
They get the original IPs (and Midway) and get to license the movie comic IPs like DC & Potter.
No more MK for snoy
could be unironically kino
tired of the le epic dark knight
The gif is real lol
Will they get the Lord of the Rings license with this?
WB has to license it to them separately but yes
Have you ever heard of this little thing called Windows?
It's that thing people who don't use Linux or MacOS have.
No one uses windows anyone everyone uses their iPhones you dumb boomer
KYS, weeb
Hold on, are they buying the developers or the developers AND IP?
I assume Mortal Kombat would come with the deal, but are we talking like the rights to make Batman games as well?
Some knock off version of Linux or something
I'm pulling for Microsoft because they put all their games on PC. I implore them to ditch the Windows store, and then everything will be perfect.
Windows is based on DOS, not Linux.
No ones uses windows anymore you old fuck
>Arkham and MK
Well it's not like they can make them any worse is it?
Military contracts.
Bamham and mortal kombat are kino and the lego games are normie fodder
I do not like this future where console companies instead of funding new exclusives they now just buy up companies to take former third party games hostage
sold the bioweapon currently know as corona to the chinese
Y'know, except for businesses. That's literally their main market.
Good, now make more KI.
Would Microsoft get rid of the woke shit?
>mfw KI vs MK
I don't understand you people.
They wouldn't be buying the rights to Batman since Rocksteady doesn't own it in the first place.
They could probably just get the video games license for WB properties though.
This. If Rocksteady's next game is not on PS5, I'm done with video games.
xbox: man city, real madrid, juventus, psg (soulless teams without history who basically buy titles with arab oil money)
ps: arsenal, barcelona, river plate, atlético madrid (teams that made history with players from their youth academy, actual raw talent, don't need money to success, money can't buy class)
Sony bronies mad af. You fucks did this during the PS1 and 2 era now you're losing. Deal w/ it
its the most popular OS on a computer. computers are still incredibly popular.
Ps1 era was a new company stepping in the ring and a response to a very arrogant and power hungry nintendo that deserved a good competitor.
this situation is just microsoft trying desperately kepe xbox alive as a brand
>sony good xbox bad
Dont you have a tranny game to play?
> soccer analogy
> it's even wrong
literally every american business uses their software in some way or another
It would be better if EA got them then so they can resurrect Battle for Middle Earth and the other LoTR games they made.
>mfw office just got microsoft teams
I did this
Microsoft Azure is the second-biggest cloud computing provider in the world, only behind Amazon Web Services. Also, they make millions off of Office, especially since they converted it to a software-as-a-service model.
Xbox is responsible for setting the worst trends in the industry. Honestly where are all these MS shills popping up from? Did they hire some internet marketing farm in Bombay?
Sony is actively propagating riots in the US.
Modern MS>>>>>Modern Sony
its just epic contrarians.
Probably don't even play xbox but just want sony to fail
And i tought there could be nothing worse that food analogy