I want tonplay a Yu-gi-oh game
Whats the best one?
I want tonplay a Yu-gi-oh game
Other urls found in this thread:
ygo pro.
World championship 2011
Duel Links
The one where Tea gets railed by Yugi
Duelist of the Roses if you don't mind the quirky gameplay.
Over the Nexus if you want the best story mode.
GX era World Championship games if you just want the classic YGO experience.
YGOPro if you want to go online.
Duelists of Rose is kino af
ygopro is a simulator, not a "game".
It's not a game and yet it's better at being a game than Legacy of the Duelist.
Falsebound Kingdom
Fuck you, falsebound kingdom is garbage.
whats wrong with legacy of the duelist
She is only 16
what's your point?
forbidden memories. the shittiest kino ever.
Forbidden Memories.
is there anything more bullshit in the history of yugioh?
tongue play
which ones has mind control or hypnosis in them
Nothing, aside from the grind, the AI not being that good and the story mode being the most barebones thing imaginable. It's functional but the grind makes it a subpar multiplayer experience and everything else makes it a subpar singleplayer experience.
The Tag Force games on the PSP, there's 7 of them btw and they're all great.
>one of the biggest bros in the entire Yu-gi-oh franchise
>one of the few badass female duelists and total qt
>both use cool, fun decks that people actually used irl
>only appear in one game and never again
I fucking hate konami so much
for me, it's gx duel academy
Why play yugioh when magic exists
Are there any Magic video games?
Magic's for trannies
Forbidden Memories
the VR one
tag force series
Because I like playing cards that AREN'T 3/3 Elks from time to time.
Magic the Gathering Arena
Reshef of Destruction with the balance patch for the best story experience. More for the RPG experience than simulating the actual card game rules though.
noone read card effect
Is there a game with functional Duelist Alliance-Secret Forces sets (Burning Abyss, Shaddolls, and Nekroz in particular)