Frosty Barioth looks pretty cool
Monster Hunter
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How could barioth be any worse?
brehs give me a fun build that isnt the same teostra + raging brachy shit
Protective polish+item prolonger
feel like trying out SnS
brachy? or safi/ kulve paralyze
>Slugger Secret set bonus
What a fucking waste
Thinking about picking this up with the sale.
I also love sword and board in vidya, is sword and shield a fun weapon in this game?
All the weapons are fun
It's good for longsword and greatsword.
SnS has by far the most impenetrable moveset in the game. I would absolutely not recommend it if this is your first time touching a MonHun game.
this is just a normal barioth with snow on its face
It's funny how SnS slowly transitioned from baby's first weapon to being complex enough that people recommend against it
>namielle has a master gamma set
>everyone else only has HR gamma sets
Brachy for raw and Kulve for elemental and paralysis
>already an ice variation
>make another ice sub
Oh boy cant wait for frosty narga, raths, pickel, anus, handler, area
>impenetrable moveset
can you elaborate?
Oh the update came out?
so is it in the game only once every other week or something?
or only for like the next few ongoing weeks
>one piece punishing draw
absolutely not
>Elemental based armor
>Set Bonus makes it so you can't activate Coal
>Weapons are still Dragon Element which is the most worthless element in the game
name a more dead on arrival set
yeah but they look *cool*
Looking forward to this. Alatreon has always been a Rath World Tour waste of your time fight. His set bonus and weapons are already DoA. Bring Frostfang this week.
I can't wait until he's a fucking pushover because everyone is using a grug HBG or stickies. Fuck Alatreon and FUCK Skypiercers.
Never again.
The 2P will be Crit Element and replace Velk! You'll see!
What weapon should I learn next?
>playing SnS, Hammer, and LBG
>CB and IG in base World
>GS 2slow4me
I've considered going back to CB or trying out a new weapon entirely
Hes memeing
>curious as to how the mod scene is
>check nexus
>so much neir and anime mods
i don't know what i expected
MR layered armor fucking when?
Months ago on PC
Right here