Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: mermaidshrine.png (1707x1280, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor post:

Attached: 2f74029019209153f99803abae355b56c0e8f794.png (752x720, 199.75K)

Requesting Coco Bandicoot cosplaying as Rutherfor (left) or Kororo's true form (right) from Shaman King

Some additional suggestions
>If Rutherfor
Coco with a tiny OVNI shaped like a Wumpa fruit floating around her
>If Kororo
Coco with a tiny Koropokkuru Aku Aku

Attached: shaman_king.jpg (1837x850, 268.27K)

These threads are so shit. Namefags tripfags and worst of all, absolutely shit tier art. What’s the appeal

This general is more reddit Than Zig Forums and should be moved to /vg/

Requesting Parappa singing "Sweat" by Inner Circle: youtu.be/5M65q33b6hc in front of Lammy and Rammy with both of them reacting differently. Lammy happy and humming around, totally unaware of the double entendre. Rammy trying to hide her blushing and flipping the bird.

Attached: Ive_been_watching_you.jpg (1140x700, 300.05K)

Requesting Terra from FF6 wearing 90s or modern if you would prefer Japanese fashion, set as a sequel to this commercial where she ends up in then modern Tokyo.

Attached: 69504585_p0.png (713x1000, 667.1K)

No thanks

Requesting the comic on the left with Wii Fit trainer and Ring Fit Trainer

Attached: 1594031377326.jpg (1024x680, 156.19K)

> Requesting Coco Bandicoot cosplaying as Rutherfor (left) or Kororo's true form (right) from Shaman King

Some additional suggestions
>If Rutherfor
Coco with a tiny OVNI shaped like a Wumpa fruit floating around her
>If Kororo
Coco with a tiny Koropokkuru Aku Aku

Why do grown ass fucking men request shit like this. Fucking grow up.

Requesting Van practicing his Oiroke no Jutsu

Attached: Vanished.jpg (1235x685, 278.75K)

user chill

Requesting Shantae attacking a giant white shark

Attached: SCXN328--14Z2.png (851x436, 531.43K)

Requesting Blossom eating a huge burger

Attached: 1593843239935.jpg (520x590, 38.36K)

Requesting Sukeban delinquent Min Min stealing user's instant ramen noodles.

Attached: minmin-1.jpg (850x846, 172.13K)

Requesting Makoto with her boobs painted like two huge nuts.

Attached: 1593842035095.jpg (600x800, 128.01K)

Requesting Pearl and Marina robbing a bank with Pearl trying to intimidate the hostages and Marina being too friendly with the guards.

Attached: 1593750323749.jpg (335x297, 15.13K)

Requesting Garnet from FF9 winning Best Final Fantasy Ass for the twentieth year in a row to celebrate FF9's twentieth anniversary, either being regular Garnet or a milf Garnet who is twenty years older.

Attached: 1583002445135.webm (940x876, 1.74M)

Requesting Ashely trying to call her broom, but accidentally summoning Wario instead. Everyone looks confused.

Requesting a follow-up with Elora the Faun and Coco Bandicoot fusion.

Attached: fusion.jpg (954x1739, 242.19K)

So basically future funk
That sounds dope to be frank
Future Funk Fantasy

requesting AA-12 as doom on the album cover.

Attached: Request AA-12 doom.png (1995x1357, 1.94M)

Requesting Menat unable to move because she forgot to stretch

Attached: 1594083266849.jpg (1024x666, 80.05K)

Didn't you already get this?

I did? When? Got a link?

Attached: images-8.jpg (266x190, 7.71K)

Requesting a 2 panel comic of Felicia from Darkstalkers, first panel has her getting her hair cut off and the second has her with her new short hair.

Requesting the reference on the left with Emma and Gumchi from Ninjala.

Attached: Emma.jpg (2388x1600, 465.84K)

Requesting DOOM and AA-11 having a romantic date instead.
Make DOOM pay for the dinner of course.
DOOM is a gentleman.

Requesting Ezreal day dreaming about Kai'sa spoon feeding him but instead of spoon feeding, she handing him a void flesh like the picture on the left side.

Attached: Kai'sa Ez req.jpg (2008x1200, 429.68K)

Requesting Min Min getting her anus fingered while she tries to take the order from a client.

Attached: min_min.jpg (787x1228, 97.48K)

Requesting Rosalina wearing this bikini giving a buttjob at the beach

Attached: 1594084171061.jpg (758x1024, 114.66K)

Requesting this with Pit from Kid Icarus

Attached: 1593992580963.png (540x406, 252.77K)

Requesting Fish tits covered in chips

Attached: SplashWoman.jpg (919x895, 205.96K)

lurking for pailoli requests

Requesting Aradia wearing a bikini with a cape.

Attached: cape.png (1533x1038, 1.49M)

Oppai Umbrella in micro bikini

Attached: 1593248877657.png (640x720, 132.88K)

Attached: 1513476383919.jpg (287x462, 66.29K)

Requesting Plague Knight cuddling with a dakimakura of Mona in bed, with the actual Mona coming in and getting mad.

Attached: plague knight dakimakura.png (1716x768, 664.98K)

Requesting the silliest cutest lewds you can do with this girl, Laetitia, doesn't need to be extreme, just silly and cute.

Attached: LaetitiaRefs.png (1129x512, 976.94K)

>should be moved to /vg/
Mods moved these threads to Zig Forums years ago.

Oppai Loli Kai smugly showing her cleavage

Attached: 1593919426252.jpg (720x664, 45.27K)

Requesting Carmelita Fox from the Sly Cooper games arresting/committing police brutality on Crash Bandicoot by slamming his face on the trunk of a car. Apparently. Wumpa Fruit is Illegal in Paris.

Attached: carmelita fox cop crash bandicoot.jpg (1185x819, 280.96K)

Haru giving Two thumbs up to Risa's large breasts

Attached: __matoba_risa_and_yuuki_haru_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_doremi__520482a7551d71dca3ca1fdca9c4dc8b.jpg (3496x3244, 501.69K)

Requesting Tomb Raider fanart. Requesting Lara Croft (from the reboot) in Himiko's Kimono. With a haughty and/or cruel expression on her face. This is a timeline where Himoko's soul possessed Lara instead of Sam.

Attached: Lara posessed by Himiko.jpg (783x780, 202.72K)

I mean you aren't wrong but no need to point out the obvious

Requesting Hat Kid flashing her fake boobs.

Or trying to stuff balloons into her pants to make her butt look big, only for one to pop suddenly.

Attached: 1593919425203.jpg (943x1024, 80.04K)

Requesting Lilith flashing her butt while she wears her pajamas

Attached: 1593919461829.png (240x176, 2.05K)

Requesting a nude, embarrassed Airy attempting to cover herself by hugging a "No" pillow while also leg locking it.

Attached: Airy Model.png (2161x896, 1.19M)