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I only learned how to play solitaire mahjong.
When I played online against a random and two AI, 1st and 2nd place at the end were both AI.
God I hate this game
Why the fuck you throw the 5?
Get rid of your honors first dumbass.
Getting Ron'd really sucks lol I know that feel sis
If someone Riichii's a tile and you have the chance, always call it. It ruins that Yaku called "one-shot".
>will never plat another yakuza besides 4 because of this game
it's just against the CPU, don't take everything too seriously
>fuck up your own hand to take 1 han away from your opponent
I guess the in-game guide is to blame if he listened to it and decided to go for a sanshoku.
Discarding the 5 after riichi is retarded because it's a high risk tile. Discarding the 5 immediately after is ultra retarded.
He should have kept it and created a wait for the 4 and having the ability to change his waits later due to the 2s and 1.
Why the fuck is he holding onto a single white dragon and east wind?
Why do you think this wouldn't be useful against the CPU?
ASAPIN confirms that he does this all the time on purpose.
>Why the fuck is he holding onto a single white dragon and east wind?
Because he can
Didn't say it wouldn't be useful, just saying some people aren't looking to play super-seriously and doing high-level techniques like that all the time
Sometime you just want to play like shit and see what happens
defend this shit
>start with shit hand
>one guy closed kans
>somehow manage to force 3 kans myself
>that one guy goes and makes another one, killing the round
>doing high-level techniques like that all the time
I wouldn't say it's high level, more like just mischief. Plus, it's good habit to build good habit while you can.
>Sometime you just want to play like shit and see what happens
I can get that though. It's the best way to learn Go.
the fuck did you just say you piece of trash
you think you are going to get away with that?
I'm a complete beginner to this, and I only know like 3-4 basic hands (the 1-2 han ones). Obviously I'm at a huge disadvantage compared to other players. Is it just a matter of playing and learning more hands? Are there basic strategies I can do even with a limited knowledge of hands? I also don't really pay attention to doras or red 5's or whatever.
>tfw on week long bad luck streak where you never even get a mangan
well, first of all, which game are you playing?
second, just look up the winning hands in your riichi mahjong wiki of choice or have a chart open or you can even print one out to be more convenient
Just keep playing and you'll learn the rarer hands. They are rare though, 90% of games you're going to see riichi or tanyao or x dragons being used as the primary yaku. Over time you'll pick up shit like outside hands and pinfu. Then the most rare shit you see once a year like your yakuman hands or nagashi mangan or whatever.
For now just focus on not fucking up, learn to connect tiles in your hands, see how they related to each other and learn how to not give dangerous tiles to your opponent.
Nintendo seal of quality.
free will is a myth
>learn how to not give dangerous tiles to your opponent.
good point, i really should play more attention to the discarded tiles to get a sense of what hands my opponents are going for
clubhouse games mahjong
it does have a list of the hands altho idk if it's complete
well just print out a chart of the hands so you don't need to keep opening a menu to check
make sure to look at the actual pause menu for hands, the one you can look at in game is missing a few for whatever reason along with all the situational yaku besides riichi
or just look at this
Wasn't there a Japanese politician who had to step down last month because they found out he played Mahjong?
explain this game to me
Poker with tasty tiles instead of cards.
gachasouls is cancer
imagine having 4th place penalty in the lowest of ranks
fuck off , im going back to tenhou
poker but you cant fold