>RGB lighting
RGB lighting
Name one thing wrong with RGB without the s o y argument
does it count as rgb if the backlight is white
Retard gay baby lighting?
how about
>your computer has arr gee bee lighting?
Is actually pretty cool
Okay that's a fair point
thats not an argument though
of course it does you fucking moron
what do you think RGB stand for? What is white light?
god damn this board is stupid
So fixed color lighting is fine? How is that different from setting RGB to that same color? Why am replying to a wojak thread?
>what do you think RGB stand for?
Well it's definitely not what you're saying it is, retard.
really gay blue lighting
>CMYK lighting
What are some decent keyboards without fucking RGB
I dont care about much, I just want a good recomendation that doesnt feature RGB lighting
white is part of the RGB color palette mongloid
Does anyone have the version of this where they're dressed like a barbershop quartet, that one makes me lol
Ackshually, my pc has ARGB lighting.
>literally cannot get some parts in a decent price range without this shit tacked onto it
>my PC is in my bedroom and I never turn it off so I just forced myself to get use to it because I'm also too lazy to learn how to just properly remove the LEDs myself
I fucking hate normalfag consumers and I fucking hate shitty faggot kike boardroom execs who push for this shit so they can have a wider paypig base
>RGB lighting
>waste of money
>potentially sends glare off your monitor
>costs more on PC parts
>more power consumption (not a lot but still not needed)
As far as subjective stuff it makes people look like fake gamers. Most people with RGB stuff aren't really gamers. They just try and pretend they are. Its the most obvious way to figure out who's a normalfag and who actually plays video games more than an hour a week
Okay fag LAMO
What does RGB lighting have to do with piracy, you dumb newfag?
holy mother of kek surorised no one noticed
a lot really,.. if you're into debugging
The point is there is no point? Why do you need your computer to glow in the dark?
holy shit you are actually the dumbest person in this thread
>PC "gaming"
Uh oh here come the reddit shills trying to sell their shitty RGB fans. Bad news for you fudgepackers nobody is going to want fans after society crumbles and your shitty families are eaten by someone 10% more physically powerful than you cucks.
take your meds schizo
Okay and why do you need your computer to be dark like your soul?
>arguing with some random nobody online in the middle of the night over a nonsense matter nobody cares about makes them the schizo
Notice wha-
I don't live in a concrete hellhole and can actually see plenty of color in real life when I walk outside, so I have no need to add christmas lights inside my computer.
I noticed it straight away, I'm just not new so I didn't think it was worth commenting on.
Nice dick
nice duck
thicc ram
Thinking of getting something with RGB lighting now. Everything that pisses off underage wojakposting discord trannies is based and Zig Forums-approved.
at least i could disable most of that shit in bios but it's pretty annoying to have a gay rainbow ready pc
I was hoping and praying the rising trend in the 2000s of XTREME GAYMER PLUS MEMORY DRAGON RAINBOW FIRESTORM shit and plastic googaws and worthless lights bloating the price of shit up would fuck off but it seems like it's here to stay.
I would rather have more affordable function over form PC parts because they're going to be in a box I won't ever look at anyway.
Please tell me how I'm projecting. Do you even know what that means?
I dislike RGB lighting and think it makes the whole system look cheaper but I might look into it now. I unironically operate on a level where if I can piss off soijak posters I would.
He obviously doesn't.
>but it seems like it's here to stay
Nah. The next craze will be the actual shape of the case.
yeah remember when leds were a fucking joke on /g/?
Why do you want your PC to look like a UFO
Just give me my black peripherals and let me be done with it without having to look like a joker makeup-wearing GAMER
is this real?
So... this is me...
Here's you're fucking argument
You're gay