Battle Brothers

What's your favorite origin, Zig Forums?
I'm currently playing lone wolf and it's pretty fun. Gonna try Davkul cultists next.

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Lone Wolf, it's the only way I can play that game.

Remember when these retarded devs tried to dump their successful game in a half-assed state on release, denying any further patch support or modability, so they could make a new game about mercenaries or some shit?

I have lost all respect for these fuckers and I don't care how many more DLCs they release now, I will not buy anything anymore from them.

no ones gonna play your shitty game unless you dump keys for it

None because I'm too stupid to understand how to play

tfw can't play game because it crashes my pc

maybe they lost their balls and didn't want to bet on another title when this one is already successful, dunno

I just started playing again and only tried out the lone wolf campaign. It fits best with how I already played before they put the origins in

They must have backpaddled hard, because they were so full of themselves when they made that announcement. They were like, "lul, dun be sad, we have new game".

redpill me on battle brothers

What game did they dump?

Turn based mercenary game that plays somewhat similarly to mountain blade on the map mode. Some of the two handed weapons skills make for hype moment where you go from a battle almost guaranteed to be lost into an even fight.

contains gay content

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I honestly just liked ordinary company,

this game right here, Battle Brothers. They tried to fuck over their entire userbase.

wait i was thinking about some other game, never mind
i thought it was an isometric game with a similar premise

sounds pretty interesting, i heard good things about it, gonna have to put it on the backlog

It need some sort of auto resolve

Why are lindwurms such faggots? Quests to slay them have some of the worst cost to danger ratio I've ever seen

I would be happy if they just made the enemies take non attacking actions faster

You're thinking of Bastard Bonds.
Which is some quality bara content

just mod it

because the game is unbalanced as shit
chosen in particular are fucking stupid

Is it any good? Looks sorta interesting

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But then they didn't, the end.

It's a legitimately good game, however its total price if you buy all the DLCs (which you should) is getting a bit excessive. I'd recommend just grabbing it all in one (though not the supporter packs) when it goes on a modest sale. Which might happen when the next DLC releases next month.

Its pretty good but the balance is sorta weird so unless you save scum, sometimes you'll go against beasts that will just reck your shit in and kill most of your guys

>Lose 1 bro

>21 Nachzehrer

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Player/Captain being controllable battle brother should be a thing in every origin. It's stupid and unimmersive when events show you doing all those things and yet you do not fight alongside your men in actual battles.