Code Vein Thread

Just beat this video game. Pretty good and fun.

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>It was a God Eater game the whole time
Got me pretty good even though in hindsight there were a ton of hints that should have made that obvious.
At least we don’t have to worry about them pulling that trick again for Scarlet Nexus

bretty fun, shame about the dlcs. And the fact that builds can be switched at any time kinda kills any replayability

Yeah, it's great. I tried NG+ and shit suddenly got real.
I haven't tried the DLC yet even though I bought the season pass when it came out, but I read it was kind of shit.


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pick one.

Pretty fun game, story gets a little bit too much "plin plin plon" but so far I like it, just saved Emily and I guess the end is near. I don't even watch anime but enjoyed the art style, created some edgy girl with red arm and wings and shit. Playing with Zweihander Atlas combo. It plays similarly to Dark Souls but I have to admit its worse in terms of replayability. Also Mia best companion

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>Mia best companion

she's cute and says cute things

Artstyle and edginess were really good in this game. Story wasn't as good as I'd heard people say it was but eh, still a pretty fun game.

So do Io and Eva, and they're far better at fighting.

I don't like Eva because I'm not a cuck.
Io is cute I guess, but she gets a bit boring.

>game is connected to the God Eater universe
>there's even datamined voice lines of everyone fighting Aragami
>instead of putting them as DLC bosses, they repurposed their animations for original bosses instead
What was the fucking point?

I personally like Io's curiosity more than Mia's sass.
Those Ice/Lightning Spikes and constant staggers are also fucking great
But the DLC bosses are Aragami.

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I'll have to give it a shot since it's in my library.

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Loved it.
Great characters, music, plot and gameplay.

Mediocre at best, just like God Eater

is it worth my time? I wont spend money to get it so thats out of the equation

I love souls games but im scared I will get bored and find it doesnt live up to the souslborne genre.

You probably won't like it then. The pirated versions have none of the QoL updates, the gameplay is pretty different from Souls despite having the same core actions, and it goes for a more anime story line than what ever you call Souls.
Try the demo maybe, but I don't think you would enjoy it.
t. someone who loves the Souls games and also loves Code Vein

It's definitely worth a play but way until it goes on sale.

I got this game on PS4 and I have mega autism for getting Platinum trophies so playing through this the 3rd time and grinfing the coop medals was actually skull fucking boring. This game is much better experienced with someone to play with which made our first playthrough great fun. Everything else was a chore. The story was a bit shit but unique in some ways I suppose. Environments were passable. Enemies okay. Bosses a bit meh.

It's a game where you can tell some of the people working on it really cared about what they were creating, whereas other parts of it are soulless and shit.

The DLC is a complete waste of money don't but it sale or no sale

great game but abhorrent dlc, too bad because the game was overwhelmingly positive at some point, they missed an opportunity here.

I forgot to mention there are a lot of elements of the game that are clearly a nod to Dark Souls 1, or at least a shit attempt to recreate the same vibe.

>Cathedral of Sacred Blood = Anor Londo but terribly designed and shitter version of the aesthetic
>Fire and Ice Duel Boss was a shit version of O&S

That kind of thing

Pornstein and S'more were better than the Anor Londo duo

Bro they were actually really fun. I enjoyed that fight a lot.

Too bad it was followed up with mid-o.

The Cathedral was great and probably my favorite area. It felt so alien, in a way.
It should have been longer in my opinion, or at least revisited as an optional dungeon instead of the shitty Depths we got.

Mechanically maybe, was good to have to balance attacks between the two elements but it never captures the excitement that O&S did in my opinion.

The game is pretty janky so having fire aoe and ice aoe coming at you at once was a bit irritating at times

It definitely wasn't a bad area. The problem is I replayed the game a few times to get the platinum so by the third time it was horrible, it's okay getting lost in there once but on the third time its frustrating

Evolution Man was the best boss in the game

inhibit is fuck

Don't bother; it doesn't live up to the Soulsborne genre.

Code Vein is only enjoyable if you aren't a Soulsborne fan so no.