Fairy Tail

Are you excited for Erza's game?

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glad were finally getting a jrpg for a video game adaptation of a shounen anime instead of the shitty 3d arena fighters we see all the time, even if it might be a bit generic

no, just no

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It's Lucy's game. She's literally the best and co-MC. I hope the jiggle butt gang makes an appearance.

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Lucy stopped being a protagonist towards the end

>"I will be playing for the gameplay, not the coom."

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Lucy is the protagonist of fairy tail,well in japan fairy tail is a nickname for 15 year prostitutes just like lucy age

wrong she became secondary character just that yet she was main character for almost the whole series before they made natsu main.
lucy wasn't co she was main protagonist,check the chapters and you will se she is in all the episodes while natsu is missing in several chapters

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You mean Wendys? Yes!

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>coomerbait shit
Literally nobody cares.

She’s also the narrator for most chapters, I don’t remember Natsu ever doing that

Natsu was a main character from the very beginning and he had arguably the most important moments too. What you mean is that the perspective the story was told from was Lucy's which made her the actual protagonist. I actually liked this kind of dynamic, it felt different in a good way.

Post more of these two side by side please, they're cute as FUCK

I will now buy your game.

We all know the game will be mediocre at best but it's fun seeing a Fairy Tail game come out of nowhere.

Man I wish I had breasts

I do

if you ask mashima (well more like if he feels to answering) he will tell you quote >"Fairy tail is the story of lucy heartfilia during her days on the guild,she is the main protagonist and natsu was secondary character my main idea was to make the first shounen series with a girl as protagonist if you want to know more of her canon the witch bitch collection doujinshi by Funi Funi Lab are part of her canon requested by me"

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Yes and and I liked that and he succeeded especially in the beginning to convey this concept. Natsu felt quite different than a normal shounen main character just because of this twist. But the more the show went on the more it felt like this concept got sidelined.

The gay nazi author?


Is it true that the creator wanted to make one of the main girls a former prostitute but cut it from canon because it was too controversial?

>if you want to know more of her canon the witch bitch collection doujinshi by Funi Funi Lab are part of her canon requested by me

so she is a whore in canon

Damn, I always thought Fairy Tail was gay as fuck. It has ass, titties and all that shit? I might watch it.

chichikko bitch are canon?

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This but unironically. FT is comfy series. Everyone is good and they are nice to each other.

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The lewd scenes doesn't even feel lewd because everything in the show is so goofy it doesn't feel serious.

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well that's only with erza scenes if was lucy things are different,erza is a comedic relief character similar to Aqua from konosuba (erza was the origin of that kind of characters)

>erza was the origin of that kind of characters
Not sure if bait....

wait a minute

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Came for this. Wendy has nice hips for a little girl.

How many people getting this are Gust fags that buy all Gust games but don’t know a thing about Fairy Tale?

Because that’s me

child bearing hips

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Depressed "drip, drip, drop" Juvia is best girl.

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She looks like a goblin

the best is lucy

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