Who is the most hated character of this era?

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>inb4 abby

Probably someone like Pyra or 2B who gets a lot of hate simply for having a sexy design.

Maybe it's because the games they come from suck shit

Why would you post Izzy she's cute as a button.

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She objectively is. Cry all you want, everyone in the world hates trannies, even trannies themselves

>name the most hated character of this era


Attached: interesting.jpg (321x322, 16.92K)

Also get a lot of coomer love for having a sexy design.

Shit I misclicked, sorry

Zavok and Inceniroar

Kai Leng?

Bros I'm not even saying I don't hate her, but it's such an obvious response that it's gotten to the point of parody

>not liking cute dog girls
I bet you like kemonomimi too, ya schmuck

>hating characters because of fanatic’s they may have attracted


new horizons fucked her up by making her waste your time every day before you start in the game

incineroar did nothing wrong


Good choice OP.

They wasted the potential for Litten's final evolution though.

annoying cunt i fucking hate this bitch
i dont give a fuck what you watched on tv last night shut up shut up shut up shut the FUCK UP
bitches like this make me want to commit a mass shooting


choke on it

you ok man?

It's like three textboxes if there's no news, maybe six if she talks a little more, no big deal at all.

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not even the most hated character in his game

Attached: Jessica2.jpg (1024x576, 328.7K)

>Cry all you want, everyone in the world hates trannies, even trannies themselves

New horizons fucked up by making every 'utility npc' waste your fucking time with incessant text boxes just to get anything done, surprised they didn't make you post fossils to the post office like on the original games.


2b and homura are both boring overrated cunts. Hikari and A2 are just straight up superior.

>entire job is to make announcements
>never announces when there is a visitor in town

>inb4 the answer to the thread so you can't say it even though its the answer

remember when Jessica Chobot was a “thing?” Her and the camel face

Back to resetera, with you.