What does your mom have to say about your video gaming hobby considering you're 21+
What does your mom have to say about your video gaming hobby considering you're 21+
wait this got colored?
try 30+
>At least he's not out doing drugs
To senile to even understand anything anymore
She's happy I don't waste all of my money on alcohol,cigarettes or dating a single mother like every other male in her life.
She still gives me shit from time to time because she's a woman, but that can't be helped.
I'm sorry user. Senility is a terrible thing
>Tell my mother I spend my days purging warmbloods and calling skaven RPers faggots on a Malaysian square dancing forum
>She says that it's good I have a hobby
Doesn't really say much about it honestly. If ever she does, it's more an expression of interest rather than contempt or indifference.
Is fucking your mom as hot in real life as it is in my japanese doujins? Be honest bros.
Absolutely not.
other milfs? absolutely
your own mother? jump off a cliff for even considering that
Neverhad the thought of fucking my real mom yet I read to doujins so I dont know man
Yes, absolutely.
Fuck no. The fetish is hot but I’d never fuck my mom.
Source before this thread gets nuked please. No amount of reverse searching can ever get around cropped bullshit;
>Even asking this question
>Even entertaining the idea of Oedipus faggotry
I know 4chin is supposed to be le edgy cesspit of the internet but Jesus Christ
What about stepmom?
I once saw my mom in a bra when I walked in on her changing.
I left immediately and had to vomit cause it was so disgusting, and she's not even ugly or anything.
fuck no it's usually traumatizing for both parties. Literally ruins the wholesome parent-child relationship.
If you need an older woman find one you aren't related to, they are usually pretty receptive to young, sex-driven dudes
The idea of fucking my actual mom is disgusting. However, I'd happily bang any other milf.
No, no and no
Where did he go?
I remember reading about a spic back in the krautchan era who did.
He said she cried in the end and cursed all of the wincest bernds for convincing him to do it.
lmaoing at youre life rn
"At least its better than doing drugs or alcohol"
She has no interest in them whatsoever and doesn't care one way or another that I play them.
Depends. If my mom is Christina Hendricks maybe I'd think about it.
One thing is fucking milfs, another thing is incest
not blood related, essentially a stranger
No, as someone who has a hot mom. I would never ruin our relationship like that. That said I love milfs and want a mommy gf.