Here are your ROMS bro

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Why wasn't this here earlier?

>Natsune Championship Wrestling
Never heard of the game in my life

>The Immortal
I'm unironically happy about this.

Overall: OK/10

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Rare owns DKC

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looks like that dude LARPing as an insider the other day was actually right lol

To clarify, he was answering when the next Nintendo Direct would be.

Not gonna lie it's getting kind of hard to be excited for NES and SNES game with the now endless variety of ways to play these games. I've been playing the entire snes library on hacked consoles and handhelds since 2007

Where the fuck are gamecube releases


>another round of literal who / shit games
Just outright end this feature already. You are insulting us. We are forced to pay a subscription and then you keep sending us shit as a way to say “Fuck you and remember you are our bitch. Thanks for money”

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Wouldn't this deconfirm a Direct? They only announced when the NES/SNES apps launched in Directs, and they've shadowdropped updates to them on Twitter ever since.

When have they ever done that, shit for brains

Based Nintendo dabbing on westerners

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>literal who games
Don't know why people take pride in being casuals who only know mainstream games.

Literally just now, shit for brains

Fuck you, Nintendo.


they also have FE.

Can I play it if I make a Japanese account?

>decent SNES platformer that should've been there since day one
>literally who wrestling game
>obscure NES game that was ported from computers
Poor little Nintendo fans.

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Blame fatlus not nintendo.

Smt 1 was never localized, why they would do it now?

I blame both


Neither was Panel de Pon iirc, and it still came

As in, announced updates for NES and SNES Online in a Direct?

Shit for brains

It was though
for iOS
You don't remember?

This feature is so dogshit compared to the virtual console.

I wish they would add a Super Bomberman game or two. That would be fun online due to it being 4 or 5 players. But, I really doubt it's coming. Is there any Konami/Hudson NES/SNES games on the Nintendo online app yet? I guess not?

Panel de Pon is a puzzle game with maybe a page of dialogue. SMT is a full RPG. Don't be like this, user.

>eshop getting a redesign
Fucking PLEASE

no they don't they just own the code

>one good game
>two irrelevant pieces of shit no one asked for
>isn't coming out for another week
it's all so god damn tiresome

retards just make a japanese account and download the japanese app
takes like 2 minutes
smt never came out in the west on snes anyways

It officially came out on iOS fully in english

Can you blame me for not knowing that? Also that is a whole different rom, this is using snes roms.

They wouldn't back Localize it though. If anything, they'll pull a Dragon Quest and release that on the eShop.

Smt is an rpg

>three games
that was probably a lucky guess

Fair enough, just playing a bit of devil's advocate is all.

Didn't you guys hack your switch already? I have Retroarch on my EmuMMC.

Imagine not having all the major titles on the virtual console from day one.

They can just take the work they did on that version and port all of that onto a rom
It's not that hard

What's Gun Dec?

SMT1 is garbage, if they had SMT2 + translation I'd be impressed.

>wanting anti-christian gook propaganda

cool. I will put that cias in my 3ds

Sorry I don’t know your indies from the fucking 90s. When I’m 40 and they release Mighty Switch Force on the Switch 50, I don’t expect the Nu-ProtoZoomers to know what it is

is this because the ios version is based on the gba version and atlus is too lazy to translate the game for the nes, or nintendo being cruel

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Atlus user. You forget that we're talking about Atlus.

That means I have SMT now too since I have have both


yes. takes 5 minutes
i just played through fire emblem on the famicom app

I'd be really surprised if modern gamedevs had any idea how to translate an old NES/SNES rom.

holy fuck you combined like 3 different buzzwords into one

But this works online and VC doesn't.

>still have the DKC cartridge
how times have changed, wonder how it will play now

I was expecting them to release N64 games already with an N64 controller for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.

shut up, you neozoomernewfagrekkaken