>You wake up in the 2000's
You wake up in the 2000's
Other urls found in this thread:
>I go back to sleep until I wake up in the 80’s
Everything is better than 2020.
How much would I pay to live in the 90s now.
I would be 25 just like I am now.
But I would be able to live through all the great stuff of the 90s. The Internet coming up. You still have the normal (non internet) culture but you also have the benefits of all the cool internet stuff coming up.
Also I would go into computer science and make a fortune.
just waiting to invest heavily in bitcoin
>mfw I had that exact TV and just got rid of it a month ago
Zig Forums will shit on them, but Guitar Hero 2 & 3 were kino.
>vidya outdoors
>mfw i'm no longer a kid, and the life is still a nightmare.
I finally go outside
this is somewhat of a problem though, if you were to go back and buy up a shitload of bitcoin it likely wouldn't be as valuable.
they're clearly in some kind of bubbleboy enclosure. the based parents are outside with open toe shoes and work boots. meanwhile their son is wearing camo pants and whatever the fuck those shoes are showing off for his cousin he faps to every night
Where did it all go wrong?
>25 years
You were barely alive in the 90s.
Someone should make a VR sim game/experience that lets you go back in time and immerse yourself in the iconography and memetics of past eras
i just want to see my dad again
>white people music
Just take me back and leave me there!
I hate the 20's!
I go outside and pretend to play Pokemon or Zelda using my imagination, then come inside when it gets dark to eat dinner and play my N64 or Gameboy until I have to go to bed.
>tfw no early 2000's pop-punk Rockstar gf
Remember when you were young and you thought it was all get better when you were older?
>haha woah thank god it was all a dream GOD OF WAR 2 HYPE TONY TELL MOM TO GET PIZZA ROLLS
Please let this be a fucking dream.
The recession and the iPhone
Goddamn I remember being really attracted to her in the 2000s but now... yeesh. What the fuck was going on in my head.
>Song has an obvious 23 year old dressed up like a teenager and pretending to be one
I guess it's good that as a kid I didn't notice these things.
You also have dial-up internet and your only access to porn is through KaZaA where everything is mislabelled and dodgy relink sites that only have four five second clips of an H-OVA on each page they link you to.
Thread theme
yeah dude, when I was 10 my dream life when I grew up was to be married to a hot japanese chick, going to nightclubs every night, and driving sick sports cars. Now I'm just a depressed broke boy who can't even get throught the day without wanting to kill myself. Life sucks
>it'll be better in high school
>it'll be better in college
>it'll be better when you get a job
>it'll be better when you're on your own
>Still retarded with no friends.
Ya know
One part of me says that this is all just the same nostalgia humans have been experiencing for hundreds of year, that everyone looks upon their formative years fondly and resents to present to a degree no matter the time or place.
But then the other part of me thinks man.
Maybe shit has gone downhill.
no, too problematic
Does the fact you'll never be a kid again ever make you depressed?
I wanna stop Kurt Cobain from killing himself, so Alternative rock would be the norm instead of jogger music.