>it's actually good

Attached: skies of arcadia.jpg (2560x1440, 1.75M)

and noone remembers the "sequel".


Do you mean the port with extra stuff?

Not with that ridiculous encounter rate.

One of the best!

Wind of Nostalgia on DS

Remaster or Remake when? It's impossible to fully enjoy this game without compromises.

Absolutely OVER for you if you like Jrpg and haven't completed it.

Serahic Blue*

That's not a sequel in about sense.

>Perfect game mechanics
>Dynamic music
>Decent story
>Great characters
9/10. Too bad the maps suck.

kind of similar themes, but it's not a sequel in any sense

Needs a remake with no story changes

I love the story the music the characters but they could probably revamp the combat system to be less turn based and less grind reliant and the game would be all the better for it. I’d still buy it in a heartbeat on any platform with no changes though, but I bet the team could do something better with the combat

Are there any JRPG's with actual freedom or are they all railroad "stories"

I was sold on the notion of more airships, but that game was fucking awful.

what's the best way to emulate this nowadays? i'm guessing dolphin is better than whatever's used for dreamcast?

Remake with:

>slider for random encounters
>fast forward button 2x or 4x like Zodiac Age


I'd prefer if they scrapped the turn based and go for real time combat. Like imagine Skies of Arcadia with Xillia 2 combat.

What "freedom" are you looking for, and how are "railroad stories" different from the stories in multiple other genres?

Remarkable game.
The difficulty early on consistently impressed me, even fighting a bunch of battles I still felt like I was barely hanging on to most of the early bosses.
As with most RPGs, it stops being like that after you get past that though...

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dolphin is the way to go

Thread finally got me off my ass to start the GC version. Anything I should keep an eye out for when I'm playing? I know nothing about Skies except that it's supposed to be good.

Attached: SoA.jpg (1920x1080, 1.49M)

redpill me on this game. not really sure about an rpg maker game

Don't run from battles.

Does he at least fuck one of the girl's by the end?

>get to the green moon section

And that was with random encounters dialed back in the GCN version. Fuck me.

Metal Saga.

rank up green magic so you have a way to heal outside of items

find the white map item early on to reduce your random encounter rate when traveling

save often because if you get a game over you have to restart from last save and it would suck if you lost an hours worth of progress

If boring open world with 50 million exciting side quests such as "bring me 5 gems" or "kill 4 boars", then there are very few that offer that.

Only part about the difficulty being too low for me is when you get the full heal spell with airship battles. Literally makes losing them impossible. At least with normal battles there's still instant death spells and other things that can drain your health fast enough to justify having a full health spell., but in airship battles it takes several turns of continues damage for the enemy to kill you.

Just an option to skip animations for special moves would make me happy. You can only see Lambda Burst so many times before it drives you nuts.