Are you excited for Xbox buying WBIE?
It's happening
How do licenses work in this instance? Will WB be allowed to make DC games, or does AT&T hold priority? What about the Midway games they acquired when purchasing NRS?
As a Playstation owner, and as a fan of the Arkham titles, this would greatly sadden me. WB Interactive's games will no doubt be watered down and soulless like all of Microsoft's first party games from now on.
You don’t have the right to be sad desu
Sonys the reason this bullshit is still going on you dumb fuck. Exclusives are a relic of the past that only Sony holds onto.
From what I read, nothing would change. Despite being a subsidiary, WB Montreal for example, still has to legally license the IP, like a lease. So there would be no change.
Microsoft have proven they've given their devs creative freedom by allowing them to release games like sea of thieves and let 343 off the leash with previous halo entries. Not that giving them creative freedom was always a good thing (both sea of thieves and halo 4/5 should have been scrapped) but it's a good sign for their other studios going forward. I'd expect high quality games from this acquisition.
Did Nintendo cease to exist?
Killer Instinct was one of the most soulful fighting games this generation
They cancelled Scalebound 4 years into development and Crackdown 3 was abysmal
Just get the PC version.
What about it?
There is literally no downside to this unless you only own a Playstation. All of MS's stuff will end up on PC and most WBIE games skip Nintendo Switch, but if the devs really wanted to make an effort they would probably still be allowed to port them ala Cuphead or Ori.
People bought Crackdown 1 & 2 for the Halo demos, not because they were good games. Nothing's changed on that front.
>Xbox makes an exclusive Green Lantern game
>but nintendo
right on fucking time. i do not consider them as competition between the other 3 main platforms.
Sony is the only reason big blockbuster exclusives are still a thing and from sales data alone we know it does nothing because less than 5 million people on a 120million people platforum own the one truly good exclusive for the console, Bloodborne.
>Exclusives are a relic of the past
Halo is on Switch? Bayonetta 2 is on PS4? It’s not just sony.
Cancelled for unknown reasons. And the fact Microsoft kept crackdown in development and released it as fan service further proves my point. They could have easily canned it. It contradicts what you're implying about scalebound. We don't know why it was cancelled. It would have to be in serious development hell if its cancelled after 4 years. Keep in mind platinum were being paid the whole time. Cancelling what is essentially an investment on Microsoft's part means they lose out, not platinum. So whatever happened must have been so bad Microsoft didn't want to even release a broken game to make back some of their apparent 200m investment into the game.
Get an Xbox then instead of a PS5
>Halo is on Switch?
What happened to all those rumors anyway?
>but muh nintendo
Why do you fucking chilfdren use this argument every fucking time? I do not consider nintendo to be a competing video game company in the "hardcore" space. How many times must I say it?
Fuuuuckk I'd love that. Green Lantern is the most underutilized character despite his popularity
And give up my trophies and library, not to mention exclusives? Nah uh. Sony's got me hooked. I've got too many platinums to jump ship now.
Does this even mean xbox would get exclusives. Or are the just buying the studios. Not the ips themselves
Exclusives that are first party are fine because the companies who own these consoles and want to make their own games for it are perfectly entitled to that. The problems come when companies start moneyhatting timed exclusivity. Sony are particularly responsible when it comes to that kind of stuff especially this gen.
I'm fine with anything as long as the Harry Potter RPG ends up on PC
I will always remember the joke my Gamecrazy dude made when I went in to pre-order Halo. That's one expensive Halo 3 demo you just bought.
Devs seem to have a hard time making it interesting. Can make anything he can imagine and yet ever game with a Lantern we get swords, big fists, rockets and big hammers.
It's not illegal to own more than one platform. I have platinums too but I also have over 20k gamerscore on xbox.
When will Microsoft buy a good studio?
imagine if sony owned the rights to batman and spiderman