

Attached: 1594180195243.jpg (720x894, 104.16K)

Lol epic for the win

Interesting choice in leaving the last panel so we can see Cell's crotch!

A smash thread died for this

You know Cell lost, right?


Is Gohan PC?

i think this comic is presenting this skirmish from dragon ball z (a japanese animation, also know as "anime") as an allegory for the "console war"
i might be misinterpreting it though


That's what I thought at first too but I can't work out the what the last panel is trying to represent.

if we are correct, and this is an allegory for the "console war"
then clearly cell's penis is representing... todd howard?

Obviously, Switch is Krillin.

PC is mr Satan

Attached: Screenshot_20200707_232303.jpg (1080x1821, 485.33K)

What console represents goku and vegeta?

Vegeta is playstation easily considering how pretentious and arrogant both of them are.

>Word words words.
Here I fixed it.

Attached: gknVqTq[1].png (718x227, 336.08K)

I don’t get it

Still too bloated.

Attached: fixed.jpg (355x221, 15.63K)

>gets hottest girl
Makes sense

PC gets the hottest daughter tho.

Attached: 1.png (800x600, 2.29K)

against the ps6.

thanks, doc

yeah to PC

He didn’t lose this fight, do, do you, do you see which fight this is?

I'm going to be honest. Because of the naming conventions I've lost track of all the different Xboxes. I don't know what is what anymore.

Definitely, still needs the sacrifice of plebs to get the upgrades it’s needs to compete

Just zoom in on his crotch

Then cell is still PS5 because he’s a copy of vegeta and the others?

>Xbox (Classic)
Honestly Microsoft is really bad when it comes to making console names stand out, but that makes sense since they aren't videogame developers and are just treating it like they do Windows.

thanks doc