Game has sexy girls

>game has sexy girls
>they start flirting with me
>get really angry and punch my wall

I cant be the only one who does this, right?

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is that crash?

no it's Brash, his edgy black and red clone

>game has double jump
>i can't do it very much or i start to feel funny, stomach upset
>get frustrated because can't get very far in the game
>try to go to sleep
>mom comes in
>user you can't stay in bed all day
>sister going to get weighed today
>So, I didn't bother taking a shower and so did my sister too, so I had to get into a special swimming suit(tight pants...Ugh).
>My sister said "Can I pull my hair down to a ponytail?"
>The doctor said "No." So my sister with her long, blonde hair went underwater with 8 seconds and had she must enjoyed it..but I didn't.
>My sister had to wear pants and a bra, so she enjoyed minutes of going underwater.
>I didn't take a shower and she didn't too.
>Before she got into the tank, you see girls 'pretend' to pull their hair into ponytails, but they don't.
>That's what she did.

It’s okay, lots of anons here are high level autistic.

have sex

Yeah me too

you need help

>game has sexy girls
>they take off their shoes

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Sounds like you've got the "cute aggression" OP

I get something similar when I read vanilla hentai. It makes me more sad and depressed than NTR hentai because the vanilla hentai will never happen to me while the NTR is technically more likely to happen to me. It's sad and depressing and I sometimes have a hard time reading the whole vanilla chapter because I know this will never happen to me.

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iktf bro

I remember that thread!
What was user trying to say again?

rec me a good dating sim w/h-scenes

That he wants to fuck his sister

I know it gets thrown around a lot, but are you legitimately autistic?

>retard learns a new term

Even he didn't know what he wanted to say

It's a good term.

It's a shitty term that gets abused to hell by weeb retards as to rationalize why people hate bland gook cartoons and the pretentious fags who watch them.
But yes, the phenomenon itself exists.

>But yes, the phenomenon itself exists.
then why did you respond to me if you agreed with me, I don't care if you like anime or not

>play a game with cute girls and wholesome romance
>become too depressed to leave my bed for the next few days
I think the 26 years of being a permavirgin are starting to get to me, anons

me too

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Ackshually, I don't think OP has the cute agression. Probably just bottled-up incelism. I'm just tired of seeing people use "cute agression" wherever it is even remotely appropriate, because they usually turn out to be retarded weebs, and I assumed you were one.

I still remember thinking I was having a stroke in that thread

I do like anime but I just simply don't care if other people do too. I'm not insecure about my tastes, I'm gonna like what I'm gonna like and if people have a problem with that tough shit. The phrase "Cute aggression" just rolls off the tongue way better for the phenomenon than "You have an underdeveloped amygdala".

Are you autistic?

It's only going to get worse

You have autism, my dude.

are you a wizard?

does anyone have the screencap of that thread, it’s been ages since i read it

I remember this. I thought I had imagined it.

Calm down, incel.

I know where the original guy was coming from
>be lazy, so don't shower
>expect to have the entire day to myself, sit in my room all day playing video games
>suddenly have to do some shit outside
>upset that sister isn't as upset as he was about having to go outside without showering
>she was probably boner inducing since he remembered so much about her