We all know it's true

We all know it's true.

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>suicidal character representing trannies


I have genuinely never thought about any of that if I pick a female character.
It's "oi that one looks nice" and then I'm playing the game. Why the hell do people keep making these images of reasoning why you pick a particular character? And why is it always dude picks girl? What about girl picks dude?

>homosexual players are likelier to gender swap than straight players, as they identify more readily with avatars of the opposite gender [17]

>it is our hope that personal in-game gender expression can come out of the closet and allow players to openly experience the fluidity that is possible in a fantasy world in a supportive environment

>Homosexual players were more likely to change their online gender than straight players

>The researchers found that male gamers with female avatars used more emotional phrases and employed smile emoticons more often than those with male avatars

>Gay men, for example, seem to be more comfortable with in-game gender swapping

>Maybe gay men choose the female character to show the virtual world who can really work a joystick

>Yes, I am a gay-mer (...) When it comes to a “Super Mario” game, I’ll always choose Princess Peach as my avatar. If it’s “Resident Evil,” I’ll go for Ada Wong. I prefer Ms. Pac Man over her boring male counterpart

Female character or posting erotic pictures of them = gay with cuckold tendencies (feminizing your proxy and deriving pleasure from dolling it up and other men looking at something they perceive as arousing), low self-esteem (inability to see yourself as a strong and heroic man), "incel" (only proximity to womanhood is a female avatar).l

anyone who wouldnt have prefereed to be born a girl is lying or in denial, they objectively have better lives
Most people just understand that transitioning is stupid and wouldnt change anything anyway

female > male > transfreak

Jrpgs usually dont have much role play in em and theyre more like dress up games with combat. Ill play a girl in those. Wrpg have actual rp in them so i play as a guy in those

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Bad reasons to play as a girl
>I dont wanna be forced to look at a mans ass

Good reasons to play as a girl
>I want to look at a girls ass

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Nah I don't want to neck myself.


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It's an easier life, not a better one.
Haven't you heard the phrase, anything worthwhile is hard?

Imagine actually being retarded, that's being a woman.

>posting the opinions of jouralists who are as an industry pro lgbt propoganda
some men just wanna look at a girl or get free items on a game for doing nothing

>people used emojis as girl avatars

Because they want to trick some simp into throwing money at them.

Wait what if I play as a girl only sometimes?

A life where people actually like you by default instead of hating you or seeing you as disposable for being male
A life where everything you do is considered good as opposed to men where everything we do is considered evil toxic etc

Both of those options are cringe. You play as the girl because you want to fuck the girl.

He will probably say it means your gender fluid or some shit

in reality its probably you wanting to roleplay different characters or just making a cute waifu

Your body starts acting weirdly when you go too long without human affection, to the point where you get so horny you start wishing to become what you're attracted by.

Yep it's easy, stop being a coward mate.

What if I don't play as a girl at all?

What if I want to fuck myself as a man

Get laid lol

Imagine being so mentally impaired you have to "associate" with video game characters you control. That's a sign of autism, inability to abstract yourself from characters that are not you.

Fucking cope.
>I might have far less job opportunities, I might be under perpetual suspicion, I might have my life destroyed in one moment, but its better cause its harder

You're like some fucking poorfarg sneering about how money doesn't buy happiness.

>cool goth chick
if you don’t play as her, there’s something wrong with you

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playing as a big strong alpha man because you wish you were one

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What a slutty harlot wearing those ero pantsu. You got any more of this thirsty ho?

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Just be tall, handsome and muscular dude, then everyone likes you by default AND you get respect

imagine bleeding out of your body every month, being constantly under the threat of getting your health ruined by your primary reproductive function, being physically weaker while also constantly under the risk of being predated at

>more job opportunities
I'll stay a dick boy thanks

Yes, but I know cutting off my cock and dressing in drag will never make me a woman.
So I play video games instead.

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Her name is Totooria Helmold

forgot pic

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>tfw play as a chick for shits and giggles because i get bored of making the same character over and over but still everybody thinks troons and cooms is my primary psychological objective

the MMORPG community and their sexual obsessions have been a disaster for the human race

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Autogynophilia is cringe incarnate.

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I don't look at my character during video games, but the environment around them. AM i weird?

Who states at their characters ass I'm too busy looking at the action on screen you fucking casuals. Plus conan has waifus so i dont need to be a chick

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sorry but i don't play as subhumans

I choose female avatar because i like dressing my character in cute clothes make it so its pretty and nice to look at and appealing doing things. kind of like dolls/action figures. I also like trying to make my waifu so i get to play as her, It has nothing to with my sexuality.
People tend to mix this up so I make it clear im a dude when playing in online games for example.

its not a hard concept to understand.

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>play an mmo
>meet this buff human warrior guy
>it's actually a girl
>she doesn't want to be hit on by boys
>she likes beating ass
>she likes feeling powerful and more imposing than the other players
>turns out she's a lesbian

gogo gaga stop being a beta

How do people like this function on a day to day basis when they have shit like this ready to copy and paste into threads that are basically a needle in a haystack?

>not playing as a girl and putting them in erotic situations

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>thinking about all the people I told this joke back in 2012 who probably think I'm a tranny now