What is the best cowboy game out there?

What is the best cowboy game out there?

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first red dead redemption was pretty good sans it being stuck on shit hardware

call of juarez gunslinger pretty good


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Harvest moon

Red Steel 2

I can definitely tell you which one isn't the best INB4 it gets posted here


Pass the whisky circa 2015

GUN. I loved this game and I think it's the reason I couldn't get into RDRD1. I was always wishing I was playing GUN instead.

Desperados or Call of Juarez.

Westerado Double Barreled is underrated

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Red Dead Revolver had great dueling and I have no idea why the Redemption games are so bad at it.

Fallout NV because gunslingers in hightech settings are fucking cool and you can't prove otherwise

RDR2, Desperados 3, Fallout: NV, Call of Juarez 1 and CoJ: Gunslinger, not necessarily in that order

Damn, this was 5 years ago? I miss these days

Yeah, im thinking im gonna say it

Ennio Morricone is dead.

Obviously Sunset Riders

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rdr 1, 2, call of juarez 1 & gunslinger, desperados

red dead redemption 2

There's hardly any, but I like to consider New Vegas one.

what's wrong with rdr2

>GTA in 1900 is a good cowboy game

the first red dead redemption, no doubt about it

I like the way you die, boy.

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It was surprisingly good. I probably should play it again.

think i played most of them, and RDR 2 is my favorite. The pacing and the continous descent intro tragedy really emulates some of the best western movies out there. Also its the only game where I felt the gunplay was actually trying to be somewhat realistic, almost all other games are arcadey as fuck, even including RDR 1.

if you think rdr 2 is boring then i truly doubt you have the capacity to appreciate a good western

>"Dutch you just said we should lay low maybe we could be le-"
>Go along, hold "A" button for 21 real life minutes while you character rides across empty map to objective
>Objective: shoot waves of enemies
>More enemies assault you than the entire human population of the game
>Escape, ride 21 minutes back
>Rinse, repeat

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its only GTA if you play it like one.

The word isn't boring. It's very detailed and rich in some areas...while shockingly bare and underdeveloped in others. The story also at times doesn't really make any sense and has too much filler

I love most spaghetti westerns. I don't enjoy being forced to walk in my own camp, however.


Wild Guns
Blood bros if you don't want techno stuff in it.

cute girl riding my dick

Fuck off weeb. Also kill yourself.

Gunplay is shit
Dialogues are often redundant and elongated for the sake of artificial duration

With that said, it's still probably on the highest tier for cowboy games, but I wouldn't qualify it as a masterpiece like all the fanboys.

You're welcome to suck the shit out of my asshole any time, fuckboy.

Fistful of frags

Tranny faggot.

The first RDR or GUN if you're looking for pic related aesthetic. Fuck Call of Juarez.

If you're looking for "Western" western, RDR2 is fantastic for storytelling and narrative and it's playfully self aware at the same time, but god damn is it slower than the aforementioned games.

"So here are all the mini games and criminal missions you can do to earn income for yourself and your camp!"
>Missions and minigames are painstakingly slow and either pay a few dollars at a time or give you nothing but "camp respect"
Even when I was dedicated to LARPING at the beginning I could only do the camp chores for so long before I realized it did absolutely nothing and everyone's relations to me was meaningless. Also
>Do literally one treasure map quest early game
>Receive so much money via gold bars the entire economy is broken as you can buy everything, no longer any incentive to do any side missions
At that point it didn't even feel like I was a part of some kind of gang, I just kind of rode around to quest markers and spent thousands of dollars on guns and bullets to shoot the 3 million enemy waves in each mission

jap shit is an insult to westerns

It doesn't exist. Western games =//= cowboy games.

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Ummmm acktshully they're called American Frontier games.

>Gunplay is shit

Explain pls, the gunplay and euphoria physics are so satisfying to me its like watching a Tarantino movie. The only reason people suck at shooting is because they dont clean their guns or keep their cores empty.

GUN for an all around fun experience
RDR for a good western story
RDR2 for peak cowboy sim autism

The Town With No Name.

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Wild Arms

>RDR2 for peak cowboy sim autism

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The most based and redpilled post in this thread.