It's not going to get a sequel, isn't it?

It's not going to get a sequel, isn't it?

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Didn't it get some sort of lame mobile sequel? Shame.

It was developed by a studio that only made RTS's and most of the team that worked on it left the studio years ago. And was also made at a time when the studio was trying to shill more Alien stuff because of Prometheus and Alien Covenant. So no.

Developers said they have a strong cult base of fans but admitted it just didn't sell well enough

The best games never do.

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it's probably better just staying as a special one-off anyway. and i'm sure there will be more good games that take influence from it.

Even after I bought all the dlc ?

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I bought it at least!

Resident evil village looks pretty good

I didn't really give a fuck about biohazard so I hope its much better then that

damn i pirated this one. Feel kind of bad now.
There aren't that many new horror games coming out lately.

It sold really well for the Alien day sale a few months ago, even had it's highest number of players it's ever had. plus they shilled it pretty hard last year with the mobile game and the cutscenes edited into a series. There's someone in charge of the game's rights that wants something more out of it, we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Is the series any good?

Of course it will but its gonna be a shitty fps this time with lots of action
Fuck Cameron, Aliens sucks

Alien as a series needs more games. Especially with a playable Xenomorph. That moment when you're on a four player team and get dragged back to the nest and impregnated, then die and respawn as a chestburster.

desu im just surprised they were able to make an alien game faithful to the original film in this day and age

Not really, it's just the cutscenes and in-game footage recorded with terrible lipsyncing.

Wow no shit retard. Meme at me all you want with Chad pirate memes, but fuck you for not supporting devs you apparently like.

just pirate EA souless shit. if it's a game you actually like you should pick it up at least on sale

Killing your own hobby, bravo

Disney own the rights to Alien now, so everything is fucked. Be happy with the comic books and Alien: Blackout, because Disney has taken the rights to Alien away from Dark Horse, so you'll only get Marvel Alien comics going forward. Disney is likely to just ignore everything around Isolation.

Alien: Blackout was a nice little game, and it's a huge shame that people shat on it because they were in denial about Isolation being a financial disappointment. It's like being angry that Nintendo chose to make weird portable games for a few years after battling in the AAA space didn't work out for them.

Doesn't need one.

I wish it was more faithful to the point where weapons weren't available period.

It shouldn’t get one

>I wish it was more faithful to the point where weapons weren't available period.
Uh... weapons have always existed in Alien. It's just that they're ineffective.

the duality of man

Just play on Nightmare difficulty. Ammo for weapons becomes so much more sparse to the point where you will want to avoid most conflict with enemies.

I didn't like the game at all, playing it felt like a waste of time.
However, there are tons of people who enjoyed it, so there's definitely a market for a sequel

The mmo is still being developed, so you never know.

Why does your English fucking suck?

Does it need one?

Not him, but he doesn’t lose at all. He isn’t autistically frothing over a sequel, AND he got to play the game for free while you paid full price, all the DLC, and STILL don’t get a sequel.

Cope, you mentally ill consoomer.

>game can't be improved anyway
>finally get sequel

No they aren't. It got fucked up by a simple harpoon gun in the film. Pipe bombs and the bolt gun would easily kill it.

Creative Assembly needs to make more first person adventure games, they clearly have a talent for it.

the game can definitely be improved