Anyone here has aphantasia? How do you enjoy games, really? It seems impossible

Anyone here has aphantasia? How do you enjoy games, really? It seems impossible.

Attached: EcA4UZ-X0AUzqSx.jpg (757x960, 99.04K)

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No, I am not retarded, sorry.

>Anyone here has aphantasia?
all american have it.
>How do you enjoy games, really? It seems impossible.
Just be yourslef

What do you mean?

As someone with erectile dysfunction I can definitely guarantee you that I can still enjoy games

How does aphantasia affect games? From the wiki description it sounds unrelated. Maybe for like 8-bit games that required a bit of imagination to bring them to life?

>Aphantasia is a mental condition characterized by an inability to voluntarily visualize mental imagery.

I know what aphantasia is. What I meant is what do you mean when it comes to being able to enjoy a video game? I can't visualize anything in my mind and I still enjoy games.

Anyone who can't visualize things is an NPC. It's the most basic test of all.

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 people have it

Puzzles and shit probably don't work out very well if you can't specifically imagine it all, I'd guess.

What's Ellie looking at bros?

Better kill yourself. Reality is already maximum boredom and having aphantasia only results in tranny lifestyle.

Use your imagination

>he can't visualize things in his head
Get help.




a webm of her and sarah scissoring

About a month or two ago I had thought that I had it, because when I closed my eyes and tried to think about visualizing things, I could only turn up blanks. Turns out it was just because I was putting too much effort into it trying to think of something.

you're the one that is hallucinating

First post, best post

i didn't know i had this

do you drink tap water?

I drink water out of a jug

Hypochondriacs can't have aphantasia, OP.

I can't imagine this. How the fuck can you not picture shit in your mind... just think about it, dawg

Attached: 1499872608059.jpg (384x313, 12.58K)

>I can't imagine this


even if you dont think so. is actually normal.

how the fuck is it even possible to have aphantasia, I thought everyone could visualize shit