Total war fantasy beyond Warhammer

There's a topic yesterday regarding what fantasy IP CA could use/borrow once they are done with Warhammer 3. There are talks of LotR or AoS to be used which are good picks. I was just wondering what other fantasy franchises does Zig Forums think CA could use/borrow because we all know that they wont stop making fantasy total wars now seeing the success of WH TW.

And if CA does want to stop making fantasy and focus on history again, I imagine Sega would force them to make more fantasy. Perhaps Sega would even let them borrow the Shining series or allow CA to choose - which in my case they could pick Fire Emblem or even Zelda. I dont know, i just want a total war thread I guess.

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I was figuring they might make total war warhammer 40k, why does it have to be fantasy?

Hear me out,
Warhammer but Napoleonic Wars.

40k even with all the melee in it is still largely ranged, it wouldn't work.

Medieval but it's low fantasy.
Every faction will have magic and shit based on their local saints
No, there won't be any elves, dwarf, chaos, or orc at all. It's just human with magic and shit

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I am still looking forward for medieval 3 though...

yes, that will be your "Medieval 3". Everyone will be "Bretonnia" with slight cultural changes based on the region. Also no naval battles

>tfw fantasy total war immediately peaked with Warhammer
>other fantasy TW, even if its a popular franchise wont be able to hold a candle.
Feels bad.

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I really don't like this image

Dont worry. Legendary lords and heroes only gets wounded so she will recover.

>>tfw fantasy total war immediately peaked with Warhammer
it still can be topped IF naval battles is included.
My current rank:
Medieval 2 > Warhammer 2 > Attila.

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Is she okay?

why my pp hard

its your lucky day

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>Total War IP based on Nintendo shit
They'd never allow that, no matter what. Chances are its only gonna be shit that can be done on a PC since Total War has been a PC exclusive since the day Rome 1 came out.
Even then, beyond Lord of the Rings or Age of Sigmar, I can't see anything else being done in a fantasy setting, except maybe Star Wars - if EA takes their filthy fucking hands off that exclusivity deal they have
Beyond that, despair awaits.

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>That semi-buggy mess that was a part of the slow, inevitable downfall of good Histfag Total War games
rather play Shogun 2 than that god damn mess

If this was Chrom it would be more accurate. Dumbass can’t take more than one hit or do much damage as a “””””great””””” lord. Imagine being a worse fighter than your daughter

I can't stop looking at this image.


Who is this artist and where can I find more of his gagged elves?

FE would be ideal copyright issues aside. Star War's even more ranged focused than 40K, if they do another fantasy Total War, there best bet would be their own IP, I doubt there would much GW could do to them for re-using animation skeletons and animations.

>Nintendo not wanting to have a slice of that DLC pie.

But yeah, a Shining Total war is more plausible considering Sega owns it.

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iirc Warhammer naval battles have something to do with an existing copyright or something?

they have access to man-o-war IP. They just can't be bothered to botch in Napoleon naval battles with monster and magic. Also they've to implement dark elves ark, which is a fucking carrier ship and you should be able to do field battle on it, and that seems like impossible in warscape engine (I guess?)

>tfw first time playing DE.
>lots of units in my black arks while having a second army with lord in tow.
>Make two armies by emptying black ark and sieging brets.
>Bret lord goes to the water and engage my now empty ark.
>Ark is gone just like that.
Feels so bad famalan.

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based Bretonnian dabbed on the nigger elves

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I believe that you're mistaking that game with Rome 2 good sir

>Dune total war - Army of Duncan Idaho clones and prescience, bene gesserit and mentat fuckery. Enough well defined factions to make it work. Motherfuckin sand worms. Campaign map with plenty of backstabbing and scheming. Big brain pseud Irulan quotes on loading screen,
>A song of Ice and Fire - aka Total war normiehammer.
>Total Warmahordes

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