30 minutes Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay Leaked


Attached: assassins-creed-valhalla-fragen_6105736.jpg (960x540, 129.84K)

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Ubisoft shill thread.

you're about 2 days too late.

It's a damn shame this leaked, obviously not meant to be seen yet. Game'll still be good, judging how previous releases have been

>looks worse than Witcher 3
>will probably require a rig ten times as powerful just to hit 30hz

I just don't like the setting, Vikings are unironically boring

can't watch it now but I'm guessing it's exactly the same as Odyssey but with snow and vikings instead of rocks and greeks?


lets be real its just odyssey with a different coat of paint
they might tinker a bit with features like ditch the shitty nemesis OH SHIT i mean mercenary system but at its core, its just origins/odyssey

I bought AC Origins on sale recently. I remember playing all the Ezio games and liking them but never going past that. Origins might have been the worst most soulless game I ever played. The amount of soulless repetitive grind just to make your strength go up a little to continue the story was dull as fuck. The same fucking kill this animal or invade this mini base or kill this guy just empty repetitive shit to make a number go up so you can continue the story and of course its done like this on purpose because they sell in game boosters.

>it's optional

Yea I know but the fact that they are there is egregious and nothing but predatory dlc practices. Fuck this series and fuck zoomers who lap this shit up.

Two minutes in, and it's already not looking good.

Is making a game in a Japanese setting their "In case of emergency break glass" type of game? An AC game where you play as a Samurai/Ninja seems like a no brainer.

Why are these games even called assassins creed any more?

Because they are too pussy to make generic period piece games without a name behind them

Too late now, lots of new ninja/samurai games are already out

>Game'll still be good, judging how previous releases have been

same. day 1 preorder. high five, fellow patrician.

I hope you faggots realize that all these leak threads are viral marketing, right?

Also, who the fuck cares about Ass Creed in 2020?

How old is this build and when is the game releasing?
And what's up with Eivor's voice?

Shut up, shill. Nobody cares.

Oh boy I can't wait to play Assassin's Creed Origins but worse for the third time.

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I thinks it because most fantasy stories just ripped things out of Norse mythology. The latest GOW had the most boring enemies i’ve ever seen but there was no way around it since they had to stay true to the lore

Yeah, had same experience when I got Origins few years ago. It was my first AC game but it still felt like I have played similar game million times over.

Yeah """leaked""" right? Just like literally every single other Ubisoft game in the past decade.

ugly woman
again and again


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It is really Origins 3....

>might have been the worst most soulless game I ever played.

and you havent played odyssey yet...

I thought AssCreed was about climbing buildings and shit? How long has it been some low effort action RPG?

Looks terrible

who the fuck believes this anymore?
it's literally shilling

is it that bad?

since Origins?

I was hoping for a little more than a literal reskin ngl.

Dunkey nails it ....
