Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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kerillian players

How can we stop Kerillian players and make Vermintide 2 good?

deliver beatings to all elf players and fatshark employees

The devs
Beam Siennas

Of course, we'll make sure Fatshark does Kerillian's fourth class last, to insure the amount of players she gets slowly dies down.

Dunno but I liked that stupid tavern jumping Easter egg. The song was legit good.

The game sucks because you can't play as the rats.

It's made by fatshark, one of the most incompetent devs out there who made an engine which is laboriously difficult to work on and make new content for.

>bro, just play for 30+ hours to even have a reason to use item system
>by the way, item system is trash and 90% of it is useless, have fun rerolling
Hero power is trash. Whoever thought that it should influence cleave and stagger is a retard.

humans and dwarves S E E T H I N G

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What are the 5th carries for the other guys gonna be?
Necromancer Sienna?
Chaos Dwarf Bardin?
Dragon Princess Kerillian?
Priest of Ulric Victor?

>Fatshark can we please have a reworked crafting system?
>no, instead we will put a better crafting system that what the main game has into an absolute desolate game mode that was dead or arrival

fucking retarded developers ruined my favorite game


1) making promises they had no intention of keeping
2) chasing the console dragon and leaving a colossal content drought
3) listening to their personal cocksuckers rather than any constructive feedback
4) rolling back changes repeatedly because they’re too fucking incompetent to work off what build they actually have
5) playing nerf/buff yo-yo rather than finding a point of equilibrium as they did in VT1
6) confusing aggravation with difficulty
7) breaking drought periods with shitty low effort maps

>Convince my friends to get this game on sale
>One of my friends literally cannot connect to the official server, keeps getting some backend error

Anyone run into this shit before?

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I dunno. It was just a boring game. Played through it with some friends and don't really have any desire to play it again

what went wrong is people bought this crap for some reason at the beginning
what a shitty dev

the first game with just rats had better atmosphere and a better setting

The atmosphere is what I miss the most. I recently played V1 after years and it was just dripping with it. The gameplay loop isn't as fun but damn do I enjoy the maps in the first game more, the tension, the music, the art and lighting.
V2 is more fun but feels more like a beat em up compared to 1's survival leanings.

inb4 avatar of flame Bardin

the fucking horror

Avatars/Incarnates are literally End times lore.

but she's the only one that's even remotely fun to play.

Yeah the shitty part that also got taken over to AOS.
Vermintide is still at the beginning, before the writers started raping every single aspect of the lore.

>super slow content release, even worse than the first game
>launch talents and talents for over a year were shit and designed by smooth brains
>crafting is STILL shit, tedious and a slow process
>DLC isn't worth the price but hold weapons hostage

Which is the most PTSD inducing map and why is it skittergate?

Because it is just so fucking long. For different reasons Dark Omens comes close.


The devs started with a solid foundation, and managed to turn it to garbage.


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Bok Bok Bok

Based and bok pilled

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I got this game during the sale, what's the problem with it? Didn't buy any DLC, if that matters. Is it just no-lifers who play the game way too fucking much, like with left for dead?

Rasknitt is not sitting on my face yet

No skink character