It's too cryptic

how was I supposed to know I had to look up?
how was I supposed to know I had to catch the rabbit TWICE?
how was I supposed to know I can run up the walls on the pillars in shifting sand land
how was I supposed to know that "blast away the wall" in whomp's fortress meant shooting yourself out of a canon at the corner of a wall?
how was I supposed to know I was supposed to jump INSIDE the volcano in lethal lava land?
how was I supposed to know "through the jetstream" meant swimming through the jet stream in jolly roger bay?
how was I supposed to know you can jump through a random peach decorated stained glass window in peach's castle?

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They're some things that are just meant to be randomly discovered.
Makes good playground talk for the kids at school.

Nobody told you how to breathe and yet here you are acting like a faggot on an anonymous Chinese cartoon forum.

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are you stupid?

Is this supposed to be ironic

not in the slightest and I could go on

>how was I supposed to know you can jump through a random peach decorated stained glass window in peach's castle?
There's a sign in that room that pretty much tells you to do that

please do these are good

How do I know I'm supposed to read

I like to read about these game mysteries even when 80% of it it's made up bullshit.
But, I actually had a weird experience to share with Mario 64 when I was a kid.
I had a neighbour who was the first kid to get the n64 (he got the console with Mario 64 bundled).
I played a lot since my friend was shit at the game and he always asked me for help to advance in the game.
The weird stuff happened in the desert level, inside the pyramid, we were desperate to enter this cube in the middle since it had an entrance at the top.
We tried a whole weekend getting inside. We couldn't reach the platform that was designed to take you to the entrance (to actually reach the platform you have to break the pyramid outside by touching the 4 pillars at the top, fucking retarded design btw), we tried instead falling of and try to grab the ledge of the entrance.
We couldn't and I went back to my house to sleep since was already late.
I had a nightmare that day. I was playing the same level but as Mario and I got to finally enter to this cube. Inside there was a boss with two hands made of stone bricks, I wanted to escape but I was alone in this platform with him. I ended up falling outside the platform into a bright blue sky and then I wake up.
When we got to play again I tell my friend about the dream and I told him that inside was a boss fight, he tought that inside was only a star.
We beat the game without going back to that level.
The funny thing is he then wanted to get the 120 stars and one day he wanted help again from me.
I went to check the desert level and by luck I reach the ledge and inside was exactly the same as in the dream I had weeks before (minus the blue sky). I was so surprised the boss ended up pushing me outside the level (it's the special attack of the boss to push mario outside). My friend got angry that I wasted the opportunity but I told him I was right about the boss fight.
I had another weird experiences while dreaming but this is the earliest one that I had.

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>that user who absentmindedly looked up in the lobby
What a way to go...

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One kid always had the strategy guide and the info just kind of spread from there.

you didn't have to know, you only need 70 stars to complete the game
you don't need every star
you don't need every coin
you don't need to kill every enemy

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I used to play this at cyber cafes and everyone knew these things, somehow

Big shiny light from the ceiling at 15 stars and above.
Reward for returning back to the basement when you really don't need to past 45 stars.
Large pillars with coins on top, they wouldn't be there if there wasn't a way up.
Can see the seam while walking past pretty obviously even on a crt, combined with level name it's understandable to shoot it with the cannon.
Lava doesn't kill you instantly, so why wouldn't you try jumping in the volcano?
It doesn't. You're meant to use the metal cap but everyone who had more than 2 brain cells just swam through.
Room with 3 paintings behind a door in the game where paintings lead to levels. Of course you're gonna test all of them.

Does that answer your questions?

>he wasn’t curious enough about the source of light enough to look up and see
Sucks to be retarded huh?

>>There's a sign in that room that pretty much tells you to do that
What? I don't remember anything about a sign in the slide room. I know there's a bunch around the castle most people don't know about but I swear there isn't one in there.

I just played Mario 64 today, so I can say with 100% certainty that it exists.
Rotate the camera towards the entrance to the room and there's a sign hanging on the wall.
It's a note from Peach that boils down to "Bowser hid stars all over the castle and there's one in this room."

>"blast away the wall" in whomp's fortress meant shooting yourself out of a canon at the corner of a wall?
Everything you posted I figured on my own when I was like 8 except for fucking this. That was ridiculous. I clearly remember shooting myself against the near walls and getting frustrated.
I dropped literally dozens of penguins into the void because of this

>how was I supposed to know I had to look up?
Because it went from normal castle to suddenly light falling on you. Why wouldn't you look up?

>how was I supposed to know I had to catch the rabbit TWICE?
Gotta admit, ya got me here.

>being dumber than a 10 year old
lmaoing at you're life.

this thread is now about anons being retarded at games

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you fucking bastard

>how was I supposed to know I was supposed to jump INSIDE the volcano in lethal lava land?
One star is literaly named INTO the volcano.

What did he even mean by that? Why do you need to catch a rabbit twice?

I don't know but me and all my friends managed to do all of these things by exchangings information between ourselves despite none of our 10 year old selves could read or speak English, and the game was not localized to our language.

>(to actually reach the platform you have to break the pyramid outside by touching the 4 pillars at the top, fucking retarded design btw),
>"hmm, i dont seem to be able to enter this place yet. i'll do what the game tells me to do and get different stars"
>3 stars later, game tells you to stand on the 4 pillars
How fucking retarded were you and your friend as kids? Were you in the special class or something?

>be spanish kid with poor grasp of english trying to figure out what the fuck each star's hint meant with a buddy, dictionary in hand

good times

Mips the rabbit holds a star for you to collect in the basement, but what some people don't know is he actually appears twice. Once at 15 stars and the second time at 50. Only problem is nothing ever hints he would come back again. It seems entirely like a one time thing, and when you're at 50 stars unless you're going for the full 120 you probably aren't going to bother returning to the basement.