Spiders Studio announces Steelrising for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC

>In Steelrising, you play as Aegis, a robot in female form, a masterpiece that serves as a bodyguard to Queen Marie-Antoinette, to put an end to the massacres carried out by the robot army of King Louis XVI, who seems to have gone mad while trying to suppress the nascent revolution by unleashing an army of out-of-control robots.

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>bring down the patriarchy!!

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She's flat.

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It looks absolutely terrible in every way
I can't believe the rest of the team agreed to work on something so awful

>no male protagonist option
fucking trash what the fuck are those retards thinking

I hope we will be able to join Robespierre and kill off everybody that doesn't fulfil our standards of purity and justice.

Considering that Greedfall was damn good i have high hopes herefor at least it will be gorgeous and well written.

dunno about this one

fucking female protagonist bullshit

>a black man and a female feminist robot
yep into the trash it goes

kys incel you arent welcome here.

found the triggered reddit immigrant

Attached: soyboy_leftist.png (960x639, 284.13K)

Fuck off back to Zig Forums.

So someone watched Doctor Who's The Girl In The Fireplace and decided to expand that into a vidya gaem?

Zig Forums have always been an integral part of Zig Forums and the entireity of Zig Forums, reddit and your subhuman aren't. Fuck off

You election tourist are pathetic with the revisionism.
We fucking hate you fuck off.

itt niggas pretending greedfal was good

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That automata doll is creepy as fuck

>not liking greed/fa/ll

It is.


the only revisionist is you tranny


it was 6/10 game i did like it
but they can go fuck themself with this shit

>nogs in revolutionary france
why do they do this

I don't know, try asking Alexandre Dumas.

>muh black alexandre dumas
retarded meme

>Marie Antoinette siding with the revolutionaries

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Westernes are masochits and they going from one extreme to another it will not take long and the same people who pushing all of this shit will start being the most racist piece of shit you can imagine

fuck off fag

Depends if I can schlick with the Queen

It was decent enough to kill time. Cant ask for much more