>6 days
Bros I can't wait.
Any beginner tips from grizzled PS4 veterans?
6 days
Yeah, save your money.
Got it for 15 bucks on PS4. Any tips for me too pls.
but... dunkey said game bad
push the control stick forward to walk
Apparently this version will have a very hard mode? You might want to consider playing on that from the get-go since regular hard mode is still pretty easy.
Otherwise you don't need any tips, just play the game.
keep saying it
donkey is a cuck
Don't be a retard unless it's funny
Drink lots of Monster Energy Drink(TM) while delivering parcels. Drinking Monster Energy Drink(TM) will give you the energy to keep playing.
If i can put funny mods, skip cutscenes and play my own music i will buy this shit at 5$€£.
Will any caffeinated beverage suffice or does it have to be Monster Energy Drink(TM)?
Is Monster Energy Drink(TM) Zero Sugar© ok?
Drinking other caffeinated beverages will give you little energy compared to a Monster Energy Drink(TM) when you are tired. Monster Energy Drink(TM) Zero Sugar© is an acceptable alternative to Monster Energy Drink(TM), although some people get more or less energy from the pure caffeine of Monster Energy Drink(TM) Zero Sugar© compared to Monster Energy Drink(TM).
Get through the first map as quick as you can. It's a pronged hand holdy tutorial. The game only starts to open up on the second map, and you can go back to do the optional missions later.
The mini cutscenes where you shower/deliver packages/use the lift are all skippable and don't serve much purpose.
Player signs give you little stat boosts when you touch them. Test out each one as you go.
Restoring roads is costly but saves you LOADS of time in repeat journeys.
Bikes can carry some of your stuff. Handy for heavy resources.
Balance your loads. There's an auto-equip option that does it properly 9 times out of 10, but sometimes you need to place things by hand to keep them safe.
A happy BB = being able to spot BTs easier. Make sure you play with your BB and just generally be nice to it.
Follow other players paths. This usually points out an easier route, but also wears down the ground and creates a literal path in time.
Crouching makes it easier to keep balance.
You can steal trucks from MULES. Handy early on when you want to steal all their shit but don't have your own vehicles.
Take time to drink in the atmosphere. Music plays when you do things like rest or find scenic spots.
In PS4 you have to hold two shoulder buttons each for one arm to balance yourself. Keep those pressed at all times when not walking on flat surface or with heavy load. Also for every thing you hate about the gameplay you will unlock something to make it infinitely better. There are 3 exo skeletons.
And just take your time and relax.
Enjoy failing the very first delivery.
Reminder that most of the crybabying you see about this game is coordinated by either one autist on multiple devices or multiple autists on a discord, I'm certain if it's one guy he's a SEAspic and if it's multiple most of them are SEAspics as their ability to write comprehensible sentences leave a lot to be desired.
Thanks anons
Also don't fucking kill anyone. You will have to bring their bodies to an incinerator. I killed 8 guys and had to carry them one by one into a truck and then drive that truck all the way to an incinerator. Load out all the 8 guys one by one put them all in the incinerator. Took about an hour to do so. Actually my best memory of the game. Also at least try to die one time in the game from losing a fight. Don't spoil yourself by looking it up.
Based user
Does the game give you non-lethal options in fights?
I always tend to play without killing anybody given the option.
Just know what to expect, the focus and enjoyment of the game is from traveling if that's not your thing like it was for many don't go for it otherwise just have fun. Only tip I can think of is to abuse the building mechanics as much as possible and not to worry about saving materials up, you get given so many.
Is advertising on Zig Forums always done by the same company?
It always follow the same cringy >countdown "le hype, bros!" formula.
Yes and those options are more fun than just straight up killing enemies.
Yeah, it takes a while for you to even have access to lethal weapons. And after that, you can unlock non-lethal versions of pretty much every single one of them.
Beginner tips lets see...
you will hate the controls.
There is shitload of Crap to collect at the beginning but after picking up 2 things sam is already overpacked.
So just ignore all the trash to pick up.
>the focus and enjoyment of the game is from traveling
I know, that's what got me so intrigued. Maybe I won't like it, but at least it's doing something original.
Yes, it does. You pretty much have to go out of your way to kill anyone.
Neat, sounds right up my alley
>DirectX 12
Aaaaah shit
Is ok
I always carry a ladder and two pieces of rope with me everytime I travel somewhere.
Hold both balancing buttons while moving all the time.
hold L2 + R2
Don't do this.
Why do this it slows you down. Just look where you walk.
The game is at best mediocre.
The speed skelly doesn't just make you run fast it also gives you a super jump, very handy for deep streams, especially in the marsh area.
Additionally, if you do a wheelie on your bike you can traverse any deep water without getting swept away, although traveling through water will absolutely devour the bikes battery, still, you can traverse the entire length of the river by the waterfall with a full load of cargo using this method.
Always keep a sticky gun handy so you can steal packages right off the backs of mules and bash their heads in with them, also helps a lot if you lose your packages in a body of water.
Don't autistically pick up all the cargo you're gonna find in the wild
Just progress to Episode 3; it's where you unlock most of the cool shit
Otherwise have a good trip, it's a slow burn experience, and the best trucking simulator in my opinion.
The floating carrier is fucking awesome
That's cool.
I'm still double dipping.