Should I play wow classic?

Should I play wow classic?

Pic mostly unrelated

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no it’s a fucking toilet, all the magic was in private servers and that magic is dead. ship’s sailed, go home.

Nah man shit sucks, its a solved game where you log on to loot pinata raids once a week.

I had that set. Still have the native guy but I lost his hair.

Play retail so you don’t waste your damn time on the already huge time sink. Actually, don’t even pay for it because fuck monthly subscriptions

Dude I had that set
Always reminded of Hugo 3 which no one here has played

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Italian officer captured by Ethiopian warrior (1936)

I think it's fun if you want a game to waste time while listening to videos or music, a lot more fun to play with friends so you can get dungeons easier. If you don't know if you'll like it, I'd probably just pass

Post more pirate/native Lego sets. This was some of my favorite sets as a kid.

I had that huge native village. The pirate ship and the pirate secret Base with the skull head that opens at the front.

But I did, user.

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This set looks really disappointing actually. It looks nice, but on paper you are barely building anything.

that parrot was kino

I was a poorfag so all I had were a grocery bag with standard bricks and basic shit like wheels or windows, but I did save up two years of birthday money to buy this one and built it into a cyborg Streetshark to fight my friends' Bionicles with. It's baffling to me to see how expensive it got in recent years,

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wow is trash
all mmos are

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My mom's moving away from where I used to live with her so I told my sis she could give my old Legos away to her nephews
She recently built them again
Amazingly not a single piece was missing after decades
I had some kick ass Legos as a kid

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pure soul

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This one was a pain in the ass to build, the instructions for the deck were really vague

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This one took like 2 minutes to build

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That's not even the actual set. The actual set only had two baseplates. Someone added an additional two baseplates with more trees.

I mean, my big bros had those sets, but i was mostly introduced to lego in late 90s (i'm 25 now). My first set was either adventurers one or some later ufo sets (both were small). Also western and slizers/roboriders and shit. I was buying legos up to early 10s but then kinda stopped when i had sex.

I've collected all the 1998 classic ninja sets and I want to start collecting the 1999 sets but some of them look really dumb. What do you guys think?

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this is why I love playing Farcry 3 Blood Dragon, every outpost is a literal LEGO base

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35 year old AFOL here. LEGO sets are better now than they were in the 90s. This is the best LEGO set ever made.

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Also, this one and western general store/bank set were my msot wanted sets, i really wanna buy them new.

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I think what you meant is you wanted to return to reddit now

this one looks really gay


>no Pirates theme since 2015
>no Castle theme since 2014

>stand alone game
>2013 yet full of soul
>has many referrences to the golden age of 80's and 90's

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I loved legos as a kid. Looking at new lego sets, I kind of wanna get back into them. But what the hell would I do with them after I build them? I don't see myself playing with them much after they're built. Not sure if I would even enjoy building them. And they'd end up taking up a lot of space. They still look pretty neat though.

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Ice Planet is the highest level of Legokino and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

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Like how? if you enjoyed licensed movie shit i guess, lego friends and bing bang theory the fuck.
I wanted to say that i fucked your mom in the ass lmao
Lego is shit nowadays, some sets like ninjago or lego movie sets look pretty epic, but i would like some straightforward theme or some classic stile action theme or something

You're wrong but you have the right to your opinion.

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>the lego i grew up with is dead
I know I shouldn’t care about this stuff but it’s kinda sad knowing that the things I once cherished have come and gone.

>using bow and arrow and shield at the same time
What shitty game play mechanic is this?

lego used to be such kino

I wish Lego Universe was still a thing.

They gave up on it after like a year because it didn't earn enough money for them - if they invested just a bit more into the game, it could have taken off.

both Ice Planet and Blacktron were peak kino

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remember this mf

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triforceCHADs ww@

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