An anime girl made almost $30,000 playing MGS3 for a few hours

an anime girl made almost $30,000 playing MGS3 for a few hours
How does Zig Forums feel about it?

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it doesnt bother me. praise capitalism.

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man I love capitalism

Time to become the little (anime) girl I guess.

Good for her, everyone should be able to reach for their own luck and make money.

At this point i consider vtuber fags the new bronies and pokefags, cant reason with them and a lot of thirdworlders

>1 yen = 1 us dollar
welcome to op world.

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Culture had to eventually swinging around to offering inordinate amounts of money to women merely for existing. Just dump bromide in the water and shit will level out.

>How does Zig Forums feel about it?
The future is here.

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its a guy with an anime girl filter

>A thot made money making content for simps
>this is somehow news to people
If she flashed her tits on OnlyFans she'd probably make the same amount

Stop shilling your 3dpd whore with a tweened deviantart avatar here, paypiggy.

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It’s good to be poor

>Female makes money for being female
In other news water is wet.

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>channel total

This! So much this! Onlyfans is so liberating for women who have been oppressed for so long. Legalize sex work!

Wrong. Female makes money because they are a female anime. You can do it to. Become the anime girl.

based peko

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I've realized the key to success when you're no one is to literally just sell something to the simp crowd and I'm not mad because it means even I can make it

Who’s to blame, those who provide the demand or those that give the supply?

I can blame both. Drug dealers and drug addicts are both shitty people.

That's actually pretty based

Football players can earn millions chasing a ball on a field in 1h.

Now post the gay porn version

You can't though

this is how i disappear


time to donate pekocoins

Post Noel's Giant Milkers

Happy for whoever came up with it.

Why haven't you tried streaming, Zig Forums? Play your cards right and you can make 8k an hour

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>people who do actual manual labor that is required for society to function get paid like shit, risk their lives, are treated like shit, etc
>people who play video games online get paid tens of thousands an hour
Capitalism: it just fuckin' werks!

exploiting lonely men like this is criminal

I'm guessing he wasn't supposed to show this screen on stream

Better interpretation is ~6K people lost ~$30k because they need to feel validated about liking MGS3 from screen titties.

As opposed to socialism where everyone gets paid like shit and risks their lives.

As opposed to

Life isn't fair, deal with it. You may as well be a manlet complaining you get one date for every 50 dates Chad gets. Get over it, you're a cog and won't be remembered.

For every successful streamer on Twitch there is 1.000.000 unsuccessful streamers.

You don't have to be a girl to stream and be a millionaire

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Capitalism rewards high IQ not technical skill you dumb fucking nig nog.

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And its looking brighter every day. God bless anime bitches.

>life isn't fair
So what? Are you suggesting that we shouldn't even bother trying to make life more fair? Murder is also a part of life, should we not try to prevent murders?

>successful entertainers have been earning obscene money compared to collar workers for decades
>now it's a problem because there are video games in the mix

>just stream bro
>just voice changer bro
>just get your anime kawaii uguu avatar bro
Doesn't just work

You'd need to pay me a lot more than 8 grand to play league for an hour

>high IQ labor
No, capitalism rewards people who are either born rich or are friends with rich people. "High IQ labor" is "knowing someone who is rich"

Trying to make life "fair" only benefits those who make the new rules.

Well clearly they didn't play their cards right

I wish english voice synthesizers were good enough for me to pretend to be a cartoon slut with no effort required and get money from retards off twitch too