Literally too autistic to even realize he was in the gamer equivalent of Weinstein's island

>Literally too autistic to even realize he was in the gamer equivalent of Weinstein's island
Is M2K /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread:*YJNF2_gHtC9YuIf5o3CGYw

>can't ejaculate
Yep, I'm thinkin' he's /ourguy/!

>jews fuck up cutting his foreskin penis when he was a baby
>life ruined

>Mutilated cock
I don't he cares about any of this shit. He just wanted to play Smash.

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jesus christ i came into this thread thinking i could talk about m2k, all it is is just talking about his fucking penis
what the fuck is wrong with you anons

I'm trying but I can't visualise "gamers" being rich or powerful enough to have a Weinstein island, let alone being able to lure women there.

I don't see the issue. M2K's penis is a subset of M2K. We are talking about him.

Jason is too based for modern smash

They lure underaged boys apparently

>every prankster gets cancelled for spamming how M2K jacked off to their car or bed

Hes just a guy. Who's in a group. Who's there to play videogames.
He's like the Saitama of fighting games. He sidesteps all that drama and bullcrap.

Seph was right all along and we didn't listen

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someone like ninja absolutely would be able to (not saying he has/does)

Quick rundown? What's with his penis?

>stays fat and maintains a neckbeard just for a barely-known character
Is he the greatest method actor of our time?

Jews cut it for their dark ritual

autism is the way to go in life, always pretending you don't know shit when it happens infront of you

No you're not, you're talking about a subject of him. Thats the composition fallacy. Because you're talking about a portion does NOT mean it applies to the whole, logiclet.

lol cringe

Mew2King? More like Mew2latedDick LMAO

>everyone else being accused of pedophilia, fucking drunk 16 year olds, doing group sex tourist trips to Mexico, running a degenerate sham streamer house where shit is constantly being stolen and a 30 year old groomer moved in with his 15 year old girl companion that no one found questionable, or owing like $300,000 total to several other people
>years-old accusations against Mew2King end up being proven false and one of the perpetrators fesses up that he lied because he thought Mew2King was an easy target and people would believe it
He's a pure soul and we don't deserve him.

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not what that means pseud

Jew doctor gave him a horribly botched circumcision and now he can barely feel sexual pleasure. Apparently it will only get worse as he gets older, has ruined his life and driven him nearly to suicide with only the thought that he'd go to hell if he killed himself preventing him from doing it.

He understandably wanted to take this fact to his grave because mutt society worships sexual pleasure and he can never experience it or have children or do any of those sorts of things but was forced to tell the entire world about it because some absolute faggot normies spread rumors about him being some sort of perverted freak who'd masturbate on things and in front of people, because they thought he was an easy target for rumors. Cancel culture retards picked up on those rumors and tried to cancel him

As an autist I can confirm it's not pretending

He is actually autistic, not as a pejorative he has diagnosed aspergers

That's why I said literally user

M2K is funny as fuck but he's the sort of guy who would be really angry and sad to hear he's funny as fuck.

>Sex tourists trips to Mexico
What's bad about that? If the whores were over 18 what's the problem?


Wtf is going on in this webm. Fighting games are so confusing.

>running a degenerate sham streamer house where shit is constantly being stolen


Yes it literally does.

They also diagnose ADHD which nobody in existence has had because its a fake mental illness made up to sell pills.

Being real for a second: amidst all the sexual misconduct allegations coming out against top Smash players, some cunt falsely accused Mew2King of having jizzed on an unwilling girl at some sort of tournament-related setting. M2K released a video to clear it up, and unfortunately the most concrete evidence he had was the fact that his autobiography released in 2019 details the botched circumcision he was given as an infant which renders his genitals non-functional. I won't even link the video, it's heart-wrenching but he describes how this deformity shapes his mental state and has nearly driven him to suicide in the past

I have that, retard

that's the point of circumcision, it wasnt botched, it was intended, the jews know this

I've met three people with diagnosed ADHD and all act the exact same but are wholly different from the plainly autistic people.

Reminder that fucking 16 year olds is legal in a large part of America and Europe.

He's actually an ok guy sometimes. I briefly hung out with him at a bighouse, hes totally smash focused to a ridiculous degree and the stereotypes about asking him for info are actually true he does go on and on. The m2k you see in videos and in tournaments is him. He puts on a bit of a face now for his streams but yeah if you knew him pre 2018 in any respect that was just him.

in all honesty, 99% of the community didn't know about the shit going on. All of us just want to play Smash.

You don't have adhd

Yeah, but who cares? I don't want to fuck old hags.


All these eceleb sex scandals are really gross with how ugly they all art

Glad to hear you know me better than both myself and my psychiatrist user

Stress causes balding

It's D1, Keitaro, and Anti we're talking about here. They went a slow as 15 when they were North of the border, I doubt they had any more restraint when they were South of it.
Sky Williams ran a Smash streamer house nicknamed Sky House. 20+ people were packed into an LA mansion and with an absolute nutcase like Sky being the landlord, everyone being self-absorbed 20-somethings with little understanding or care for social boundaries, and the whole vibe basically being a proto-CHAZ that's completely detached from reality, it was an absolute disaster.*YJNF2_gHtC9YuIf5o3CGYw

You don't know yourself, you just blindly accepted a fake diagnosis that has no basis in science, that's why you were diagnosed by a psychiatrist

>hes totally smash focused to a ridiculous degree
Makes sense, he's confirmed himself that he's on the spectrum. High-functioning though, so he's still a decent guy.

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