Cyberpunk 2077 concept art reveals Westbrook, a playground for the rich


>The latest art exhibition is all about Westbrook, apparently the nicest place to live in Night City—if you can afford it. The district is home to the city's celebrities and corporate big wigs. The really rich bastards live in North Oak, an area of Westbrook that used to be rife with crime but is now nice and secure thanks to expensive private security teams patrolling the streets.

>While you won't find gangs in North Oak, Westbrook still hosts plenty of criminals. In Charter Hill, corpos hoping to one day be able to afford a house in North Oak drive around in armoured vehicles with bodyguards to protect them from attacks. Japantown, meanwhile, serves as a base for most of Night City's Yakuza families, as well as plenty of gaming parlours.

How hyped are we bros?

Attached: 43.png (688x688, 643.19K)

Other urls found in this thread: 2020/Cyberpunk 2020 - CP3281 Rough Guide to the UK (official).pdf

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.

That game's combat looks like absolute dog shit. Not to mention all the Bulbasaurs walking around the game. Disgusting


>all the Bulbasaurs walking around the game

Attached: 1436205215034.gif (250x250, 993.75K)

There better be a space cruise liner.

Attached: 1398000357706.jpg (600x400, 39.88K)

Allready shown 6 days ago you nigger

Kinda funny: The game gets a positive new information its flooded with brainless shitposters
If the game has something negative announced its also flooded by the same people.

The question is:
Are you guys commiting suicide when the game is praised by the majority of people and sells millions of copies?

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather

how do people not know there are a million places like this already in america and it's called a golf course

>mentioning the gameplay looks like shit is considered shitposting now
Keep shilling then, nigger.
Sage and hide.

>The game gets a positive new information

I used to be deep in the trenches with people defending this game but Jesus Christ is it gonna be bad, Witcher 3 ruined CDPR.

I'm allowed to say Bulbasaur here?

Where is the asphalt, where are the roads?

how the fuck is this cyberpunk? what are those damn polacks doing??

Maybe it's because people don't care About Syberpunks?

flying cars m8

Still upset that Witcher 3 got GOTY over Bloodborne are ya?

But it objectivly doesnt look shit are you mentally retarded?

I see the Epic shills are in full force now

Attached: 1593340376179.jpg (1787x1386, 242.13K)

The picture above is literally the backyard of a rich person you dingus
>How is the increidble ineuqality between poor and rich person in this game?????
Man this board is full of retards LMAO

>expecting the richest people to live in blocks of grungy apartments with neon advertising all over it.

its quite clearly a location you go to for a mission and your character or whoever talks about the disparity between people in the city and probably shoots it up in a glowing coat with a frankenstein gun.

but go on about pretty colours some more

Average fps firefights, and the brawls are just laughable. They incorporated nothing new into the game. They just mixed a bag full of call of duty, GTA, Racing games, and called it a game.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-07-08-04-59-58.png (2160x1080, 1.62M)

Neon is for the poor

White people, home.



I know no one will probably answer, but I always wondered what rural areas were like in cyber punk,far far away from the mega cities.

Depends on the setting

The u.k in cyberpunk 2020 is mostly rural nomads/feudal tribesmen/hipster-paganshitters. Really fucking funny pondsmith making us all tribal pagans, really fucking funny....

yeah probably
i really fucking hate Cybercringe 2077
if it becomes bigger than Bitcher 3 and gets tv shows and shit ill probablu just kys

In the US? Mad Max-tier.

Meant to link 2020/Cyberpunk 2020 - CP3281 Rough Guide to the UK (official).pdf

I wonder if you can still complete the game if you turn down the difficulty and go on a rampage.

probably corporate owned farmland.

there is a spaceport, id be disappointed if there wasn't a section in space

Who cares, you cant live there anyway because you’re stuck with your shitty apartment forever

Depending on how shitty the particular world is, it can be all covered up with solar batteries and or crops, or a mad max-style wasteland with deserts and endless garbage dumps the cize of cities. Sometimes it can be both at once, in different parts of the world.