WoW Shadowlands Developer Update

so what will go wrong in 4 hours Zig Forums?

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idk im not playing wow anymore

"we removed mythic raiding"

only thing that would make me cancel preorder.


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>literal tranny shit game
never a woman bruv

>add one line of dialogue
> literally gain tens of thousands

you would do it too fagot, and if you wouldn't then you are fucking retarded and your opinion doesn't matter

50,000 stacks of infinite stars

>literally gain tens of thousands
Of what? Dicks sucked per second?

> literally gain tens of thousands
new subs to the game? fat chance.
noone buys games because a trans character appears in a fucking sidequest.

of course they do fucking retard.

you really think all the corporations in the world would put a fucking fag flag on their twitter bio if it didn't work ?

November 19th Release Date.
No fun allowed.
Fire Ion.

All the corporations in the world still put tits in their adds up until like 4 years ago because they thought it worked. It turned out they were wrong because the tits just distracted the male viewers from their advertising and actually had a negative effect on sales.

People who flunk math study economics, people who flunk economics study business, and people who flunk business study marketing. It is not an industry with a high average IQ.


ive dropped it dont care anymore its an addiction and a really bad one one time the game was good but not anymore...

Pandering to trannies and other degenerates

I’m gunna play raid shadow legends on my momma iPad instead

This is the last straw nublizz!!!!

>Imagine actually paying money and playing Shadowgayfaggotstrannies

I don't give a shiiiiiit, shut the fuck up with BLIZZART crap

What do their Chinese Overlords think of this?

Where can I watch this live ?

WoW needs to go sub $10/month if not F2P

>no ice ion

Wtf man

I chortled.

>ruin company into the ground
>add faggot shit to make it up
I am going to be honest with you, when you literally have no other choice to fix the problem besides dissolving the company, sure fag it up.

That doesn`t mean I won`t bitch about it every time they do it.

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inb4 people start crying about them adding black faces.

Probably a delay.

It's time to join a real MMO game, OP.

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no pvp stat

just let it die already

They aren't owned by china, they just pander to the chinks.

Black face is a very real social issue that destroys the lives of billions of black bodies.

They already announced to shareholders they are changing gears to focus on mobile games, and the biggest market for mobileshit is China, at this point you might as well say they are working for chinks

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meanwhile they cancelled diablo immortal

China owned them.

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I understand your frustration, but that's a nuclear option against the current situation and not very good game design either.

Resilience was the worst fucking thing in existence. Fuck off.

>classic is dogshit and feels nothing like real vanilla
>bfa is somehow worse than WoD

Why are you hyped for Shadowlands? Is your addiction this strong?

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>real MMO game
Naisu joku!

Classic feels plenty like real vanilla if you'd just avoid the mega servers and roll medium pop.

yes I remember classic being 1.12 the entire time just like the old days remember.

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I'd rather a pvp stat again.
The main reason I stopped playing the game is due to being required to do the fucking m+ slot machine in order to actually get pvp gear.
Just give me back conquest and honor and a designated pvp set. If some pve nigger doesnt want to farm pvp in order to get pvp gear why the fuck is he even doing pvp?
I don't want to do pve shit in order to pvp.
If I cant get the best pvp gear by doing fucking pvp the game is shit.

give worgen a tail option
>duhhhh but they aren't supposed to have tails
buttplug tails