I see you took nothing from my lessons

I see you took nothing from my lessons.

Attached: Mentor.jpg (317x302, 33.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw get filter by Jian mentor
How the fuck do I kill him?

Attached: ;_;.png (547x469, 81.67K)

Eat shit mentor, you cryptic faggot

Attached: 1545450899465.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

>Eat shit mentor, you cryptic faggot

Attached: 0 y6sfwlwfm00HcZeX.png (268x307, 206.94K)


It is hours 100.
I am still looking for the last research materiels.
I have lost count of how many Hyper Wave Sensors the game has thrown at me.

Attached: 1549409797690.png (1400x1050, 1.09M)

I see you're a dumb cryptic weirdo who refused to explain anything despite the fact you knew I had no idea what was going on and needed guidance. Then, after an ungodly confusing adventure fighting hell demons, hacking doorways that hack you back, you finally try to explain motives and conspiracy bullshit as if I'll believe you and join your side when you've been lying since I started.
"didn't kill my mentor blah blah" no I killed him.

Attached: 1578278725583.jpg (704x659, 59.06K)

>mfw I realize the entire game is about you locked inside a hypnotic gate

Attached: 1580344239643.jpg (743x715, 58.57K)

what level is this?

Attached: 91700_screenshots_2013-11-22_00400 (5bcpc).jpg (1920x1080, 804.79K)

I owe you a confession Mentor;
I love making waves alright?!

There will never be a sequel....

What the fuck is even going on in this game?

The memes are so much better then the game

Attached: 1491083746308.png (460x460, 407.43K)

one of the team artifact pvp maps

True, it became pretty boring fast.
Not sure if I should be mad at mandy for making me waste my time or happy because of the memes

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there's nothing to understand!!! just execute orders!!!

>the entire game is about you locked inside a hypnotic gate that you cast on yourself

Attached: 1469403843622.jpg (592x705, 89.38K)

i bet you haven't even finished all 3 cycles

No you must learn the lesson

Anybody got the old v image guides?

being a god is only fun for a while

Attached: 1549411108319.jpg (720x664, 120.65K)

Attached: 1466369012765.png (235x489, 54.27K)

>Get to the purgatory area after playing the various cycles
>don't break the seal
>Listen to blade runner blues and contemplate
>Uninstall the game

I felt at peace.

Attached: 1465830294625.png (640x479, 313.82K)


they've all been posted on steam

>Stop shouting
*Stop making waves

this game is real? i thought it was a fever dream of mine

This game was fun, but after an hour and a half of playing I came back and it started me back at the beginning. I guess it's my own fault for not saving but it should really have an auto-save. Total bummer since I don't have many singleplayer fps games to play right now.

Congratulations user
You have finally escaped the cycles

i cant stop shouting
nothing makes waves

it has checkpoints

put the streumon folder (in your documents) into windows defender exceptions list if you're on w10. Maybe turn off realtime protection too just in case.

You Gain Brozouf.