Why don't you have 18TB of storage, Zig Forums?

Why don't you have 18TB of storage, Zig Forums?

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I JUST got the 5tb one!

for what?

Because its like $600.
I can buy it, it's just that I'd rather spend it on something substantial instead such as upgrading parts and not buying huge space that I woun't even use half of it.

Did the prices fucking increase or something?

HDDs are antiquated tech.

for what?

Nigga I ain’t even filled the 512gb drive from my old computer, got a 1tb ssd for the new build and don’t expect to fill it anytime soon.

Because I'm a well adjusted adult.

I don't need one yet, and it would be silly to pay for something like that when it'll be much cheaper by the time I do

why would I need 18TB of anything that's not film/tv shows in 1080p?

There's no chance in hell anyone would ever need 18TB in video games, you just need 1TB and swap out whatever games you're currently playing on that 1TB.

it's expensive in my 3rd world country

Do you just not play a whole lot of games? I remember a few years back, I bought a second 1TB HDD and thought there was absolutely no way I could fill up a second one. That was before games started requiring more than 100 fucking GB for downloads.

>large single instead of smaller striped
what about redundancy?

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I've been living just fine with my 1TB hard drive for the past 10 years. Maybe because I'm not a worthless consoomer that buys and installs every bloated AAA game that comes out.

Not him, but I tend to play games one at a time, and delete them when I'm done

cause I have the gigafiber

It’s designed for large operations where you’d have redundancy being done on the client end

I barely can fill 1tb

just buy a second 18 TB drive bro

Upgraded to the pi 4 recently. I just plugged in a terabyte hard drive and it's been pretty great as a network drive. I can move files between my phone, tablet, and computers pretty effortlessly. Highly recommend if you have a USB hard drive lying around.

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>SMR drive

>he doesn't run a home media server
>he streams
>he subscribes to netflix
>he rents games
>he never has more than 120gb used on his PC at any time
imagine being so unprepared. Not gonna make it.

Friendly reminder that windirstat exists and is fucking amazing for figuring out where all your space went.

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I just uninstall games I don't play anymore

How do I deal with too few SATA ports?
>new mobo has 6
>1 for bluray drive
>2 for SSDs I use for vidya
>3 for HDDs
>also has 3 M.2 slots
>if 3rd M.2 drive installed, 6th SATA port turns off
What the heck? Do I really need a NAS for all my animeis, movies and lewd stuff?

I'm thinking of getting a 2TB drive to download a lot of the GOG games.Pic related only includes games until May of 2016.

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The permanent loss of data is like a mortal fear for me. It really feels like all these ROMs and games are going to be completely removed from existence at some point.

That shit's expensive, I have two hardware raid 1 with 5 TB each.
Getting a third one soon.

>no no no! I'm not supposed to be able to buy large storage, games are supposed to be under 6GB forever so my 80GB budget drive stays valiiiiiiiiiiiiid

Just use USB external drives at that point. You don't need SATA-fast storage for your .mp4s.

pci/e expansion cards, usb

they will be removed from existence and be made harder and harder to acquire

Honestly I've started moving hard drives out of my main pc and into a secondary networked device. I'd highly recommend it.

I have that fear except it's not video games, it's music, family photos, stuff like that. I bought a Bluray burner just to burn super important stuff to M Discs 50GB at a time after having two hard drives (one external) fail in two months.

i got myself a 1 tb hdd for 22$ yesterday
i love that new bios's can format this shit from windows from the get-go
windows 10 is genuinely awesome

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500gb ssd and 1tb storage, what on earth will i ever need more for?
>muh anime hoarding

>1 for bluray drive
but why?
drives are obsolete
you cant even buy a good pc case now with a drive bay its bullshit

>on the same machine