Not gonna lie, former CyberPunk day 1er here. This is fucking hilarious watching Project Red crash and burn...

Not gonna lie, former CyberPunk day 1er here. This is fucking hilarious watching Project Red crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this garbage be published.

Attached: Cyberpunk.png (639x463, 220.24K)

what's the point of delaying the game if you're gonna cut so much out of it

What the hell are "Sonic sections"?

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>we can't let this garbage be published

And how the fuck is your small time ass gonna stop anything?

CD Project wanted to use the SEGA brand in their world as part of the world building to which the company agreed if they include some Sonic stuff in the game. The plan was for a side mission where you get sonic augmentation and you collect holographic virtual while you run super fast.

That sounds gay as hell.

This game’s been downgraded harder than SPORE and people will fucking defend it.

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So that's it for the year, Xenoblade Chronicles DE is basically GOTY 2020 at this point.

Please tell me this is a joke


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How can one game possibly attract so much shitposting? This article doesn't even exist, and it's ridiculous that people will just believe this image

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Atari is dead buried in the ground in 2020 how did they make it to 2077

>"Not gonna lie"
>translation: gonna lie

Cognitive ease

THQ was dead in 2012, and yet it is back again.

>Zig Forums so seething about cyberpunk they are now making up features that don't exist so they can pretend they have been cut
Oh no.

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Well people have to talk about something and they're prob not enthusiastic enough to watch non-cp footage for them to enter other threads on Zig Forums.

shitposting the next big game is an ancient Zig Forums tradition.

>It doesn't need Sonic sections
You are now here


The developers are just paying people to manufacture attention for this bland dumpster fire, that's all.

>delay game
>cut more content
>delay game again
>cut even more content
>delay game yet again
>cut even more content than before
Yikes, this game is gonna be delayed until next year with even more content cut.

Bull shit.

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Kill them, kill them alllllll!

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where's Shazam when you need him

100% true
also, there was supposed to be a multiplayer mode where you play as mario and have epic fights with sonic aug users

why would you do that? there's thousands of better games around, we live in a period of unmatched abundance of quality.

Brands never die, they just change forms. Baudrillard knew this.

>crunch time results

Tell me how the west is superior to Japan again?

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Don't care

Still buying Cyberpunk 2077
Still voting Trump

Dilate harder chang

>You can put dicks on women
>This is body customization like you've never seen before
>No sliders, you tick a box instead!
Shit sucks guaranteed