Have you ever try to be a pro on a game? how it went?

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No decided to get an actual job instead of gambling on a 1 in a 1,000,000 chance. Went pretty well have my own place, car and comfortable lifestyle.

Range ban for ESL third world shitters when?

this our website now gaijin

I don't get it, do they just refuse to teach these kids how to speak english or something?

I tried csgo but couldn't handle all the furries and literal children. I tried street fighter but quite honestly I just wasn't very good or willing to put in the time to learn everything, and the shitty connections and disconnects from so many players didn't help.

it doesn't look like the american education system is doing a great job at it either

I went "pro" back in Smash Melee when it was still current. Performed well, traveled some, got my name out there. (used to play with Mew2King back when he actually tried to play Mewtwo, before he became a legend since everyone who stomped him moved on when Brawl came out.
It just got boring. It was an interesting and exciting run for a kid, but I got burnt out and got into other games.

I wanted to go pro in SF4, I got good, but never got a tournament under my belt. I tried Marvel 3, sucked at it. I got good at Guilty Gear, no wins there either. I'll see how GG Strive does and I'll try to get good at it, but my days of competitive are over. I just like to get 'party good' and then turn into a lazy lump again, but I still get hype at good fighters so I can't help but play them.

I got really good at Homeworld 2 but it was never pro or anything. I won a lot of multi though. People stopped playing me.

fighting games require playing a lot of offline just to not drown in pools at tournaments
online is pretty much worthless

to be fair I don't think america does much of anything very well

I did some Mordhau competetive scene but quickly realized my 30 year old boomer brain could not keep up.

Feels bad man.

We play baseball very well.

I made top 8 in the first ever For Honor tournament with a character I didn't even main and then stopped playing it a few months after because it was a dogshit game. I kinda wish I stuck with it. I was one of the few people who understood the real broken meta and could've kickstarted a comfy streaming career like a lot of other players who were good but still worse than me managed to do
>tfw slapped up "King Richard" who had just started streaming when For Honor came out
>he's currently streaming warzone right now with 6000 viewers

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>play a sport only your country cares about so you can be the best at it

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b-but japan plays baseball too

and 1.6 million followers. jesus christ

>Range ban for ESL third world shitters when?

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Dude Japs love baseball. I'm no web but that's just a fact.

I played a fuckload of cs1.6 and cs:s so when cs:go came out i tried to go pro in it. Then I grew up and cs:go ruined every single fps for me

>I'm no web
everyone please ignore this spider poster

to be fair basketball is their only sport that reached worldwide popularity, and they're still the best at it

I got signed to a pressional team for a year and played at blizzcon two years in a row

Probably the best time of my life and i already know its only downhill from here

>third world posters are wojack posters
post another one and prove me right

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worldwide popularity maybe but I don't know any other country that actually takes it seriously

I did participate on a lot of Elsword tournaments and 1 local one, I was okay not that good, best placement was 2nd in one. I've gotten to Masters in League with extreme casual play since I only duo with friends so I could hit Challeenger if I put time into actually getting good but I'd rather keep trying to learn how to game dev

>>third world posters are wojack posters
post another one and prove me right

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>can't even green text properly
even for a wojack poster this is low iq

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I know it's quite serious in spain, estonia, italy, serbia, greece and some other euro countries

I won a semi big Tekken Tag 2 tourney like 5 years ago or something. Won like 200 bucks cash, spent it with my friends on a fancy dinner and bought a game with the spare change I had left.
That's about it for me on pro scenes.

I was ranked 23 in MGSV FOB missions worldwide.
Shit was awesome.

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>[zalgo]can't even green text properly[/zalgo]
>[zalgo]even for a wojack poster this is low iq[/zalgo]

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I won a Mario Kart Wii tournament once. That’s about it

Played TF2 at the highest level for a few years.

No regrets.

Starcraft II while going to school and working. Ended up making some small money and helping a team (only by playing for them) into success. All I really needed to do to go pro was invest more time. Last year was my final straw as to the direction of the game. The game is now a macro action game not really an RTS anymore. Haven't played since. I might pick it up again if they shape up but I doubt it.
