What's the definitive way to play? 3DS or PS2?

What's the definitive way to play? 3DS or PS2?

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Switch remastered version

3DS with the uncensored patch and the orchestral patch. The only thing PS2 has over the 3DS version is graphics.

3DS version doesn't have random encounters

PS2 version with the overworld monsters and extra content

doesn't exist


Orchestrated soundtrack on the PS2 sounds better objectively, but also gets really grating after a while. 3DS version adds more features and makes the game feel way better than the PS2 version.

Mobile port is objectively the worst way to play it.

PS2 looks better and sounds better. The only thing you get out of the 3DS version is portability. It's a bastardized port by all accounts.

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Emulated PS2 version all the way.

Portability, extra features, non-random battles, more content.

PS2 has a slightly higher resolution (much higher when emulating) and an orchestral soundtrack but the features you give up from the 3DS version for that soundtrack are substantial.

this one's hard. it's really either or. there is no compromise.

This implies you go outside. Kek.

>sounds better
Just emulate the 3DS version with the orchestral patch and they sound pretty much the same. PS2 only looks better. Unless you're a graphicsfag, there is literally zero reason to play the PS2 version anymore.

3DS with patches.

DQ8 is a big, immersive game. Downscaling it to some tiny screen greatly takes away from that.

>extra features
- instant alchemy and the ability to produce multiples in one shot breaks some of the games balance
- tweaked stats (aka you strong, enemy weaker) annihilates what was left of the games balance
- battle fastforward can be achieved through emulation, if anyone cared about that in the first place
- photo mode: literally who cares

>non-random battles
Just as DQ7 3DS showed, if a game isn't designed around that it becomes an obnoxious mess. Especially in tight corridors. Thinking you can avoid an enemy only for it to rush and drag you into a battle, fight it and win, then have a new enemy literally spawn on top of your head the second you're out of battle is garbage.

>more content.
More pacing breaking filler. Just like DQ11, already long as shit game absolutely does suffer from being made longer.

Oh, you forgot to mention how some costumes and cutscenes got censored by the way.

>Unless you're a graphicsfag
DQ7 did a good job with the visuals and art style with the world. You are getting an inferior experience if you settle for a shitty port that makes huges cuts to it.

the version which wasn't censored to hell and back

>mfw marcello uses a poof of magic to free himself in the 3ds version whereas in the ps2 version dude stabbed his own fucking arm

>The only thing PS2 has over the 3DS version is graphics.
And a better orchestration. The 3DS's orchestration sounds awful.

PS2 version, but the 3DS version has extra content.

This is fucking brutal.

I can play the PS2 version for free, but long JRPGs feel comfier on portable (like Etrian).

Plus unexpected random encounters can be a game breaker for me. I wish EO's meter and consistent spawn rate was in more games.

3DS version. You get extra party members and non-random encounters.

It's time for your dick flattening cuck

3DS lets you speed up battles, which should save you about 30 hours of your life that could be used to play DQ3

Where the fuck are these 3DS version shills coming out of the woodwork from? Ninties turned collectively turned their backs and shat on the 3DS as being "unplayable". Are we dealing with actual DQ fans itt?

the only way to play this materpiece is on the ps2. dont even bother with the switch trainwreck

There is no right or wrong answer. Don't be a faggot and just play ps2 then 3DS later for added content

>play 70 hour long game twice just for some shitty unbalanced additional party members and squeenix's usual shit tier post-game bonus dungeons
mhhmm ok, tell me more...

>left of the games balance
Everything you said is wrong but this is the stupidest shit you said. DQ8 isn't balance at all. Boomerangs in the beginning of the game can deal hundreds of damage in single or multi-attack hits.

Sorry if you're a casual.

Then don't play the 3DS version. Like jesus nikka why y'all so fucking retarded.

3DS version is significantly easier with health/MP restoration on level up, no random encounters and the ability to save anywhere in the game

3DS version is objectively better. Plus you can marry Jessica. DQ ports always do a good job of adding new content and QoL. Only problem is the shitty graphics thanks to how bad the 3DS yes.

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bu--bu-buh the pee ess too games also off balanced!!

It's a jrpg, schizo

>r some shitty unbalanced additional party members
They aren't better than the main game party members. They are also great
>shit tier post-game bonus dungeons
If the dungeons in 3DS are shit the regular game dungeons are also total shit.

I honestly think the full heal on level up is a good change since you dont have to grind at all for the first boss anymore