Character has unique skills and equipment

>character has unique skills and equipment
>joins the party for one fight halfway through the game
>leaves forever afterwards

Attached: [NewbSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind 14 (1080p Blu-ray x265 AAC)[2A60C232].mkv_snapshot_19.54_[2020.06.15_13.48.42].jpg (1920x1080, 206.02K)

>Thread isn't about video games
>OP is a massive faggot though, so he still tries to pretend it is

shut the fuck up nigger I can think of two examples of what op is talking about
-Persona 3
-vanilla Persona 5

>character joins for one dungeon at the end of an 80+ game
>Still has their own separate costume DLC pack that you have to pay for

Attached: 718D99F6-5E41-4FEA-9B7E-B71855A8D9AB.jpg (505x507, 109.77K)

And yet OP didn't post either of those as an example, and more than likely didn't even have them in mind when making the thread.

Read the manga

*80+ hour game

>character with unique skills and art joins the party for a 5 minute sidequest in an 1000+ hour JRPG
Looking at you Kurt.

their entire goal was to protect her, and the only fucking fight after she awakens to her power was the one with the flesh eating mold virus

>b-but why didn't rubber girl fight xdd

Why didn't Rohan just write "knows who the killer is and tells me" inside of literally anybody's mindbook?

Why didn't Josuke just fix the phone instead of stealing another guy's like an asshole?

Kys retarded speedreader or even worse, speedwatcher.

Not an argument.

are those the two only rpgs you've played user?

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Part 6 sucked

>leaves forever afterwards

what? she stayed all the way till the end.

Not as much as part 4

>not using fugo as pic related
kys OP you are failure

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Rohan is an asshole

Part 6 a best.

Attached: Spur2.png (1029x1500, 3.36M)

For me it's 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 = 3 = 2 = 1


>joins your party
>Equip her with magics
>She leaves and takes magics with her

yeah everyone knows that, that's why JoJofags love it so much.

>1000+ hour JRPG
What game? Longest time I've spent on an rpg would probably be Disgaea and that was like 300 hours

actually 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
did you fail math or something? baka

Trish's boobs were too small in the anime

>Character doesn't have any powers
>Still a great party member becasue of how much of a bro they are
>Sequel has them return only to die like a jobber

Attached: Speedwagon.jpg (1280x720, 110.54K)

Trails in the X series.
This dude just hops into your party for one quest and never joins you again.
Even in the later games where literally everyone joins your party.

Attached: 1567627320919.png (1279x720, 1.59M)

>Atomizer rape laptop
You know what? I don't even care anymore.

Man I can't believe it's been a year since golden wind ended. We've been in a jojo drought for all these months but I didn't even realise because of all the shit that's going on in the world

>being an animefag

how is dying of old age dying like a jobber?