Cpu for play

Which of these cpus jumps out to you as the most sensible one to buy?
Prices for finnish online shops.

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i think 3600 is more than enough if you only play games

3600 or 3600x

It seems 3300x is really good for its price. If I get a job, I'd probably build my new pc around it.

i5 10600k

if you really intend to push 144+ at 1080p and already have a beefy gpu, 10600k is a good option too
it's got really good performance rn but it's kinda hard to find and its longevity is questionable due to only being 4c/8t

just put in the extra 20-40 or whatever for 3600. it's most likely worth it in the long run.

get an 8c16t cpu, next gen is going to force things to increase.

Seems like 3300X is the best cpu ever made.

At this moment it is 3600/x. But i would take 3700x cause 8/16 cores/threads, and this how much new consoles would have.

If you're so into "future proofing" by buying 8/16 then imagine buying 3300x, using it for couple years and when those imaginary future games come you can buy a new cpu and all you're out is 140€, if that even becomes necessary.

I'd personally go with a 3950x, that fucker will still be going strong 5+ years from now.

If you can't stretch for that though, go with any of the 8 core 3000 series or Intel options for parity with next gen.

Or i can buy 3700x now and forget about cpu upgrade for a 3-4 years.

>3-4 years
that doesn't sound very good

Isn't it more optimal for productivity?
10600k handily beats it by 20fps in every game, and is 300€. (+ more expensive mobo)

Unless you are an fps whore get the cheapest 6 core you can buy.

So 3600?

I just got a 3700x with a b550, does more that I could ask for.

3600 is sort of the new 2500k

The blender results might help with the future proofing idea, if the games start utilizing more cores/threads
3300x becomes shit in that scenario and 3700x seems like the optimal

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3300X for stop gap, or 3600 for cheap long term option

3700X because I'm not poor

Intel 9400F

multicore is a meme

Depends what do you play and what other components you have.
Overall best is 3600 because you can pair it with cheap b450. 3300x is close, it has same or even beter single core performance but 2 les cores so it all comes down to games and how long are you going to use it. 10600k (or even better kf model) is going to give you more frames for not much more but platform cost is much higher as well as being on dead platorm from the start.

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>platform cost is much higher as well as being on dead platorm from the start.
Its interesting how apples to apples intel costs 100€ more.

I don't understand this threads. If i9 9900K and i9 10900K are the best then why settled for anything other than the best? Are you like this in other sections of life? Same applies to GPUs.

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They're only marginally the best and are bad value.

Even if you're rich, wasting money is dumb.

if only you could actually buy it. like if only it were in stock anywhere

Because its a waste of money that you could spend elsewhere

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3600 for casual gaming
10600k for competitive games if you want to push 200+ FPS

If you've too much money and want to get rid of it, sure. I mean you could buy 3990x and then brag about benchmark scores and how you can play crysis without gpu, but it's still waste of money in the end.

I don't think you're driving a ferrari.

>being a cager
yes Im not.