Grimoire of Souls shutting down after less than a year of being active

>Grimoire of Souls shutting down after less than a year of being active
But bros I thought the Netflix show was supposed to renew interest in the series?????

Attached: castlevania-grimoire-of-souls.jpg (1000x1000, 382.29K)

the show shouldn't have fucking sucked then

People aren’t interested in mobile gacha shit. The fanbase isn’t made up of insectoids.

it was made by the uwe boll of "anime"
It's shit

Good. Fuck mobile phones.
Konami should have given the Franchise to IGA at this point. He clearly cares more about it.

did this ever get a u.s. release? i wanted to play it but not enough to jump through hoops to get it

as if thats the reason
gachashit is just bottom of the barrel trash, it needs to fucking die

Only in Canada. I don't know what were they expecting releasing it in one country.

All i want is a 4k remaster of Harmony of Despair

That is fucking bizarre

Coming from a Canadian no less

>TFW Janklevaniadev literally died

Probably did so poorly that they chose not to bother releasing it elsewhere. Pretty normal to gauge interest in games by releasing them in a smaller region at first.

Netflixvania wouldn't be going on its fourth season if it wasn't popular. If there was a real new game and it wasn't shit, it might do well.

People want real castlevania chucklefuck

wasn't this shit iphone only or only in japan?
that's what killed it.

The game sucked and the anime Season 3 was what killed it for me the dialogue is so bad every character is written to be a cheeky cunt every other word is fuck or fucking it's like I'm watching an edgy newgrounds flash animation from 2004

My only hope is that the Netflix shitshow also gets canceled because of Ellis getting metoo'd, just pull the plug on this franchise already and let me rest

>Ellis getting metoo'd
His writing for Suicide Girls past caught up with him?

>its fourth season if it wasn't popular.
the marvel series were popular and they got canceled

Because Disney wanted to move everything to Disney Plus. That's not the case with CV.

I appreciated the lore bits that it gave us and that it basically confirmed the drama CD's as canon
>Ellis getting metoo'd,
Big if true

>mobile gacha shit
I didn't even know this existed. Nobody wants to play a fucking action game with touch controls Konami's executive staff needs to be fucking purged

Did they even release this in the West? If they did then they did a super poor job of marketing it.

The game wasn't bad, it was actually fun from people who've played it, problem was that it didn't reach the states where it's impact and appeal would have been appreciated more than from canucks

Attached: This kills the Netflixshills.png (884x445, 563.02K)

It was only released in Canada and Japan iirc, it basically died without getting a proper release

so alucard x maria is finaly canon?


Well one nobody likes gachashit and two the Netflix version of Castlevania went full retard after the first season as is typical with western shows.

Covid probably fucked up a lot of things for them.

>Big if true
Seems like a case of "he was mean to us consenting 20 something women while drunk/after he dropped us after a hookup, and now he must pay", like most "metoos" these days. It's all so tiresome, and ruinous to genuine victims of abuse.

>Make an uglier version of HD on a device that necessitates shit control
Just port HD to PC and make more content for it you retards.

>Covid probably fucked up a lot of things for them
Every other gacha has been doing fine amidst Covid, that's not an issue.

I'm a little biased since i hate Cuckflixvania, but still i have no sympathy for a rat who tries to appease SJW's 24/7, faggot had it coming for him

Eh, dude was always pretty loud mouthed and feminist in that old punk way on account of his daughter, way before SJWisms. I rather view it as SJWs seeming aligned with him for a while before things went so insane, when it was about telling wife beaters and pedophiles to fuck off instead of literally persecuting any known name man with some semblance of a sex drive.

>Netflix show
That shit is just a poor man's Game of Thrones for normies with a Castlevania skin.
The game actually had some nice ideas but the error was making it as a mobile service. Make a real fucking game, Konami.

Just port HoD to PC already jesus fuck