Well that was heartbreaking

well that was heartbreaking
is there a better walking sim than this? this pretty much blew away firewatch and ethan carter for me

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I made me cry like a little bitch when you get to the cemetery.

These stories were all borderline nonsensical and requiered absolutle brain dead parents. I hope the grandma rots in hell.

Not sure if technically walking sim, but Outer Wilds goes above and beyond.

It's the best one I've played so far

>space exploration game
>walking sim

Outer Wilds was my absolute favourite game of last year but you guys are getting hollow knight levels of obsessed

I think we all felt that.

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

Draugen was also heartbreaking.

Death Stranding

Is it a good game? Never heard of it before.

it's incredible, one of the best narratives in gaming
and unlike shit by hacks like David Cage, while being mostly story oriented rather than gameplay, this wouldn't work that great as a movie

It's a walking sim. That's all you need to know.

It's one of my favourite games of all time, but it's not a walking sim, more of a puzzle exploration game.

OP, Edith Finch is pretty much the best this genre has to offer.
I remember Stanley Parable being really good, though I played it a long time ago.
The Beginner's Guide is also a pretty good but a little more obscure walking sim.

If you enjoyed Edith Finch and don't mind a little bit more artsy stuff then Kentucky Route Zero is pretty much the best narrative driven game ever made. But it's a much harder play and can be easily perceived as being pretentious by people who are only into games, and not really into art per se.

Only walking simulator I actually enjoyed.

Thanks for the info, looks like I am going to try it because what I have red here and online looks promising.

Why cause we all have a psychiatrist provoking our suicide? Or because he played vidya? I didn't relate at all because I'm not a loser working at a fishery

Didn't care much for the race mixing and the bi character.

It's just a ripoff of 100 years of solitude

There was a bi character?

Might want to check out SOMA.

Really Enjoyed Kentucky Route Zero up until the boat ride. Might have just burned out on it, but I haven't been able to pick it up again to finish it, just became too dense and meandering at that point, insisting upon itself instead of driving things forward in a manner I cared for.

Your life is so great that escapism has no appeal? Congratulations.

it definitely references that, but the topic of death is different enough, and it propels the idea with interactive elements

That half poo burn out.
You could choose whether to have a prince or a princess in his delusion.

Is really good because it's not just a walking Sim, but bring some unexpected mechanics that distract you and put you into the right mood to deliver an effective blow.

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I dunno, I thought the story was a pretty bad idea. When you're playing a mystery walking simulator for hours, the last thing you want is for it to end with "who knows what the truth of the mystery is, lets just move on"

What is it about dark walking simulators that feature Norwegians heavily anyway?

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Lmao I remember watching a video summary of the game the month it came out.
Why the fuck would anyone pay for a walking simulator? Just watch a playthrough ffs.
Also, I didn't enjoy the fact you have to play as a Desi when Edith Finch is not an Indian name at all. That felt egregious and forced.

Anyways, don't waste money on walking sims, pirate them if you have to. They're barely even video games.

Kentucky Route Zero

Yeah, I'm still glad someone is being inspired by south american literature, it's one of the best.
The story of the fish factory worker is definitely the best one.

I'd argue Journey is an amazing walking sim but it goes for a very different kind of experience, more focused on the environment/visuals than a narrative

Should I play Journey? I've heard it be called a masterpiece (by people whose opinion I don't respect) and I've never heard anyone give an actual detailed explanation on why it's a masterpiece. I see it as a red flag when people call a game great but never explain why

Case in point

People are cagey about Journey because its most important mechanic is meant to take you by surprise, but the gist of it is that you get matched up with a random partner who you can only communicate to with vague gestures

Yeah I heard about that, I didn't know it was meant to be a secret. I feel like that might be cool when it first came out but it's not that interesting anymore.

Unfinished swan is a walking sim that ties into Milton's story. It's by the same devs.

Not really a masterpiece, but a great experience. You are being thrown into this beautiful world with hardly any context and you are to move forward to reach your destination while cooperating with another.person using a very sparse communicstion system. It's a visually stimulating and unique game, definitely worth playing.

Everyone's Gone To The Rapture has some really good moments but the whole fuckup with "hold down shift for ten seconds to activate fast walk" and the pretentious narration of the ending soured me. All the scenes with the bombers are great.

I don't think I've ever finished a walking simulator and thought "hey I liked that ending"