Are they the most evil corporation?? (next to Umbrella)
Everything they make becomes evil and all their locations seem to haunted. I mean, they made toys whose purpose is to hypnotize kids and then swap bodies with them. And all their animatronics seem to constantly want to kill people. And one of their founders was a serial killer.
How are they still allowed to exist? Not even EA is this evil?
>fictional corporation >gay furry game could you stop posting this garbage, atleast get some taste for horror games. Residence of Evil vigil summerford them&us Alisa: The Awakening
James Robinson
It that what the lore was? I thought it was just the one asshole who wanted revenge for his daughter or something
Juan Mitchell
This is one of the most autists things I've ever seen. Never played and never pretend to. Shit series for retard kids.
Isaac Phillips
Are you retarded, they aren't any more evil than a generic mcdonalds ripoff, its the co-creator of the robots that kept fucking things up, the company does not want this shit.
Ethan King
I've never played any of these games but I have whacked off to the futa sfm
Jackson Ward
>casually bragging about jerking off to dead children
Henry and William are both sociopaths, that’s why.
Nicholas Watson
What would happen if Umbrella invested in Fazbear entertainment? >T Virus infused Twisted Animatronics >Malhare possessed cybertorg zombies >Redfield going undercover as a security guard
Henry Bailey
I dont know the lore sorry
Asher Cooper
What about the body stealing teddy bears? Did William or Henry make those? Hmmm? Or Mangled?
Parker Thompson
Sounds kino.
Brody Sullivan
Everything spoopy with the robots can generally be chalked up to dead children throwing shit-fits and being unable to tell who murdered them beyond "guy in uniform" or the serial killer trying to resurrect his daughter by harvesting children souls,
Charles Garcia
Are you telling me one person managed to hack every single animatronic, toy, and VR game? Did he kill a thousand kids to extract their souls for Remnat material?
Daniel Hall
Most 15+ video games are really
Christian Hill
It is impressive how dark the series gets. Not even Goosebumps was this dark.
Henry Howard
The funny thing is that the series wants you to sympathize with Henry when his company >puts its employees in suits that can collapse on them at any time, and designates rooms for them to die in out of the public view >covers up the deaths of multiple watchmen, hiding their bodies while putting out a "missing" notice >sends employees to an asylum when they find out too much
Ian Torres
Man it was retarded when they made the protagonists part of the story.
It was better when you were just some shmuck security guard
Dylan Rivera
The game gets weirder when you realize it’s possible for the older brother in fnaf 4 to be the true serial killer in the series. We see his face in fnaf sister location and he looks like the pac man face fucker in fnaf2, where we actually see child murders taking place. In fnaf4, the older brother locks his sibling in the same room with the dead body inside the suit.
Andrew Ross
>they made toys whose purpose is to hypnotize kids and then swap bodies with them when did this happen at all? I have not kept up with FNAF for years
fazbear corporation will play a much bigger role in the next game. scott wants to move the series in a new direction, more action based. the similarities to Umbrella are NOT coincidental. screen cap this
Gavin Sanders
He lost a daughter!
Nicholas Campbell
Imagine seething this hard, just make a thread about your fav game faggot.