Click on dog

>click on dog

Attached: .jpg (750x1334, 77.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Click on dog
>Character accidentally attacks
>Turn off game

Attached: 1593363868410.png (471x258, 7.2K)

>click on girl
>her bulge throbs
weird mechanic, but i like it.

What an adorable dog, what are some good dogs in vidya?
My dog died recently and I feel profound sadness everytime I see a happy, loving dog now. I miss my boy dearly

Attached: sad doggo.jpg (1010x897, 68.17K)


>talk to dog
>dog says woof
>protagonist says "i don't know what i expected"

Attached: 1563525841413.gif (171x172, 961.68K)

Nobody loves you

>dog barking
>follow it
>it leads us to treasure

Attached: weeee.png (300x214, 15.7K)

Fuck off you shitposting faggot.

Attached: ATF kills a dog.gif (290x290, 1006.8K)

>dog companion is actually one of the most powerful in the game

Attached: mabari dragon age.jpg (598x484, 69.75K)

Dogs are enemies

>click on cat
>nothing happens

Attached: file.png (563x751, 736.8K)

>kill dog
>dog drops 2 t-bone steaks


>dog learns how to stab enemies
>dog learns how to electrocute enemies
>dog learns how to attach balloons to enemies

Attached: dog boot.jpg (500x416, 73.01K)


I'm shocked someone hasn't made a YES with a dog that just says BARK instead.

Fucking DD is so overpowered man

>try to attack cat
>it does a backflip and dodges all of your attacks

Attached: matches.jpg (486x960, 88.78K)

t. Ahmed/Tyrone

>Cat is the best and most useful companion

Attached: welsh cat noises.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

Attached: f862a92934a94732a5075d3456c6fd5a.jpg (451x301, 30.67K)

>Dog is able to telepathically communicate with you to let you know exactly where enemies about 100 metres away are
Yep, DD is ridiculous, love him though.

Name 1 game

Pascal the dog is here

>*click on black NPC*
>*monkey sounds*

My name really is Tyrone but I'm a cracka

I love that fucker, game was disappointing but goddamn if it isn't fucking great regardless.

wtf is this real?

MGR:R, when you start mission 01 there's a cat on the beach.

Attached: 1524421466341.jpg (640x480, 469.02K)

metal gear rising

>click on horse
>it makes neighing sound and puts hooves in air
>go back game later
>click on horse
>you can ride it

>Dog in plane cockpit
>gets on radio
YES > < NO ?

>nearby npcs will talk to the dog like a human

Attached: WhoIsJohnStorm.jpg (1000x1342, 135.54K)

ey look, is Jason Schreier

I've been wondering this for a while now, but why did people start shitposting as Ned Flanders?

your not fooling anyone

What are mabari based on

Yeah, it's pretty absurd how MGSV can be so bad yet so good at the same time
Still play it fairly regularly to this day

it is, dogs can actually learn some things unlike retarded cats


>can't even feel sympathy for man's best friend without meme cultists spamming nonsense in capslock

Attached: 1594234811927.jpg (1080x1310, 149.94K)

You answered your own question, shitposters.

Baby eater 9001s

Attached: doggo stick spin.gif (450x340, 1.86M)

>Can recruit dog on your journey
>dog is actually very useful and provides a lot to your group

What're some games that do this?

Attached: 041-stubby-3_opt.jpg (500x430, 103.01K)

>click on cat
>it hiss at penis

Attached: 1594234882834.webm (640x800, 188.22K)

People are just assholes
>go into town
>dog is town leader

Dragon Age: Origins

Attached: dog mayor.png (276x395, 166.32K)

>Cats sell incredibly useful rings and are in charge of a whole faction of humans
>Dogs are braindead early level enemies who need to team up with goats to become threatening

Disgusting meme made by edgy retards.

Well MGSV is the obvious one

>click on pitbull
>it disappears
>last dungeon across the world
>you see him on eating a baby

It's from a Reddit post.

>Sgt Stubby

Now that was a GOOD dog.

Zoomers do it to trigger Millenial Boomers because they hate how they talk.

>play game
>see cat
>go up and kick it
>feel bad while i pet my cat afterward

VLAANDEREN Zoeken die zwei

>pet dog
>it looks happy

Attached: 1594050035337.gif (300x350, 1.89M)

>game has dogs
>you can pet them
>literally every game featuring cats has them hiss and back away from the player character

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kijk hij glimlacht

What would he do if there was a riot?