Should Sonic have complex stories?
Should Sonic have complex stories?

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Yes. No. Maybe?

No, but they should be meaningful.

Sonic should return to Shonen

I don't know

How is that just not capeshit?

I think that is the proper balance.

'06 was too try hard (among many other problems)

Colors was too simple

I think for all its flaws, Adventure 1 and 2 struck a nice balance.

Unleashed had a decent story with the friendship with Chip feeling genuine. (despite him being a bit annoying)

Battle had one of the best stories, but no one seems to remember nor care.

only in spin-offs. mainline games should have s3k-eque storytelling.

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Look at the current poll results.

Just skip the cutscenes bro

Not at the expense of development time that could be put to better use fixing the fundamental problems with 3D Sonic's core gameplay.

And even if they did somehow accomplish that, then the story should be no more complex or dark than SA1 or Unleashed. Anything beyond that is just not a good fit for the series.

God I wish it weren't entirely too late for that. There simply is no putting the "Sonic and friends talk" genie back in the bottle after two decades. Would be perfect for Classic Sonic though.

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did you even play sonic heroes and sonic forces?


Seems like people do remember.

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Shit like this is retarded, because most of the time people will just choose what they've played.

I forgot about the chatter

I miss the Team Hero/Team Dark dynamic. I wouldn't mind seeing them do it again, especially with Eggman on one of the sides.

>Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy
>Shadow, Rouge, Eggman and Omega

Doesnt have to be complex. Is My hero academia complex at its core? No just a nappy headed boy wanting to be a hero.

Do that with sonic.


MHA is far more complex than nearly all Sonic stories.

I disagree, and I don't think there's ever been a good Sonic story.
I'm rereading BNHA atm.

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What it shouldn't have is bat with tits

S3&K is quite the good story I'd say, it's entierly devoid of dialogue, and yet all character motivations and goals are clear

Lads, which Sonic games play great with a mouse and keyboard?

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Just have the characters shout really quotable meme shit at each other like in SA2 and storyfags will be happy.
They don't actually want complex or serious stories like they claim they do, they want "I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS" kind of moments.

If it werent for conplex stories then we wouldnt have had the Adventure games

Do you know what "complex" means?

Litteraly no game plays great with a typing interface, get a controller you scum

>Litteraly no game plays great with a typing interface
>This is your brain on console


>pclard coping with his shitty keyboard controls instead of just buying a controller

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