I just finished xenoblade

I just finished xenoblade
why was the ending so poopy?

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It was pretty great, what are you talking about?

I personally just got to Alcamoth, and the sheer amount of sidequests I've been bombarded with in this area, coupled with how far I have to go... it's rough. Don't know if I can keep on.

That's why they invented landmarks.

Stop bothering with sidequests then.

without the context of xenoblade 2 the whole klaus reveal seems out of nowhere and doesn't even seem important
it feels like an asspull to make him sympathetic
plus the third monado also felt like an asspull but then they did that again in the second game too but at least they tried to contextualize that I guess
I did like the montage epilogue though, I wish 2 had that instead of its own vague asspull with pyra and mythra at the end

I also thought the zanza fight was undermined by the fact that the egil fight already happened and felt way more climatic, especially since you're actually fighting the entire mechonis and it's actually part of the gameplay with the background and the vision
I feel like they tried too hard to make every single bad guy have a sympathetic turn around 5 seconds after you beat them which felt really dumb, 2 handled this a lot better

It's the other way around, in 2 they give him a reason to press the button and you get to talk to him, in 1 he's shown as a self entitled jackass. As a matter of fact, the entire world is all about him fighting the female researcher so he ends up doing whatever he wants to.
The Egil fight was a lot better, that's definitely true. The entire final section is pretty disconnected from everything else, in fact.

do people seriously think 1 is better than 2 or is it just shit posting?

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Also, about the third sword, it's not really an asspull, since Zanza created the life in Bionis on his own image, so anybody could have become a new God, all they needed to do was to get in contact with him, I guess, so you get administrative powers.

I just mean the whole reveal in general
I thought it would be something substantial but it's just 5 seconds of
>oh btw he was a human first and then just wanted friends lol
meanwhile the entire finale of 2 is just constantly blowing your dick off besides the kind of meh final boss itself and it isn't immediately making everyone you fight a good guy after you've kicked their ass
>it's not really an asspull, it's just kind of an asspull
there's no reason for a third monado to even exist, which is less than even 2 does to justify pneuma and her sword and I would still consider that a pretty shounen asspull anyway
honestly going by the logic 2 establishes there's no reason for more than just one monado to exist

people think 2 is bad because it's "too anime" which is dumb when the xeno series has always had anime tropes

Yes because the story and gameplay is more better and interesting.
It's like asking why people prefer Persona 2 over Persona 5.

>there's no reason for a third monado to even exist
there is
from the beginning of the game, Alvis is grooming Shulk to become the new god, to free the world from its stagnancy. literally the first thing he says to him is that he should find his own, true monado
it's hardly a surprise

>the story and gameplay is more better and interesting.

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The friends thing is dumb, sure, but the rest, while brief, makes sense, so I don't see the issue.
>there's no reason for a third monado to even exist
It didn't exist, Shulk created it. It's not an asspull either cause everything is foreshadowed:
You see Shulk talking to himself several times, you have Dickson outright telling you that anybody could have been the one to serve as Zanza's avatar, and you have Shulk still being able to use the Monado's powers even after Zamza fucks off. Shulk could do that because he got in contact with Alvis, the administrative computer, and with Zamza, just like how the researcher girl did.

Personally I found it to be kinda kino, just finished today as well

Oh, yeah, that too:
>literally the first thing he says to him is that he should find his own, true monado

I was expecting it to be more than a footnote considering how substantial of a reveal it's supposed to be
especially after the game started violently shifting gears constantly after while it didn't really give a good payoff to justify throwing out the buildup from the rest of the game
it's still not great because it literally just shows up as a powerup to kill the final boss and that's it
pneuma showed up well before 2 actually ended and had enough time to develop and justify her existence instead of just
>lol the power was inside you all along
and that being the end of it

I just finished it today too also and it was pretty bad. By the time I got to Mechonis I struggled to finish it. It was way to grindy and tedious. And the combat was some of the most unfun in a jrpg. The only real saving grace was Melia.

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what do I do after beating zanza?
how do I find the super bosses and meaningful side quests and shit?
or should I just go to the extra story first?

You have to be over 18 to browse Zig Forums.

>lol the power was inside you all along
I mean, that was the entire point of the game. Not only from a narrative standpoint, since the true Monado and finding the true Monado and awakening the true power of the Monado is brought up a million times during the story, but from a moral of the story standpoint as well, since it means that anybody has the power to change their world, as long as they choose to own their own lives.

You must not play many JRPGs
You are just bad

but it just shows up for 5 seconds at the end to kill zanza and that's it
thematically appropriate or not if it's just thrown in at the end and then that's it it's not justified well

Shulk finding his own Monado is blatantly foreshadowed as early as Tephra Cave and it's the entire point of his dream sequences and why he can still have visions after losing Zanza's monado.

What? The only time you ever need to grind is if you want to get all the advanced art manuals, which is completely unnecessary for the main story. Did you even explore, like at all? Or do any sidequests?

I only play jrpgs nowadays and this has to be one of the worst I played this past month. Grindy doesn't refer to just level advantages

Shulk literally rebukes Zanza's claim of wanting friends by pointing out he only wanted slaves. The point of his whole friendship thing is that he's literally an extreme narcissist who wants company but only as worshippers and servants with no autonomy.

It's the thing you were trying to do all this time, it wouldn't make sense to turn it into a proper mechanic like in 2, it's a completely different situation.

Everyone knows XB2 is worse than 1 cause of gacha. Xenoblades 2 could have a better story, characters and world and would still be lower than XB1 for the sole purpose of gacha.

It makes perfect sense why he would have one, he was the vessel of a god. Ergo, Zanza's privileges were granted to him.

he's talking about the part after that, when alvis is expositing and says "zanza wanted pals" and shulk is like "aw maybe we could've friendship"

Shulk literally uses the true Monado to recreate the entire universe. The sword is meant to represent he has ascended to the same level of godhood as Zanza and is outside the flow of fate. He uses this power specifically to create a world where all living beings can exist outside the constraints of fate and make their own destiny. The Monado III wouldn't have worked as a gameplay mechanic because attaining represents bringing the entire story to its thematic end.

I'm talking with the whole cutscene montage after you beat him and even then shulk is like
>yeah I wonder if we could have all held hands and sung kumbayah lol
the game does this with literally everyone you fight, it's stupid and annoying that they don't even give you catharsis for the goddamn final boss

I play a lot and the combat is fun, maybe too easy once you get it down. Grindy in what sense? You can basically rush through the story, maybe doing a few sidequests if your underleveled. Mechonis on is basically a straight shot.

Yeah but he just rebuked the guy for it five minutes ago, it doesn't really make Zanza sympathetic because we know the reason he couldn't have friends was his narcissism, whereas Meyneth could because she was willing to respect the autonomy of the people she created.

1 has plenty of gacha too, it's just not as blatant about it. The field collectables, the different chests the enemy drop and their contents are all random and some of them have absolutely shit spawn rates.


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someone post that conspiracy theory picture please

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>its own vague asspull with pyra and mythra at the end
How is a blade that died being reborn from its core an asspull? Malos even said they could do it all the way back at the Cliffs of Morytha.

Not grindy in the sense of battling enemies for XP. It's grindy in the sense of constantly battling enemies to complete quests or get rare drops that might not always spawn, again to complete quests or fulfill the Colony 6 shit. Not to mention certain collectables in the game that only have a 10% chance of spawning in certain areas that are needed for certain quests and Colony 6 which can lead to a lot of saving/reloading or constantly clicking on the time change in the menu, the whole affinity system and everything attached to it is fucking terrible. And what do you mean? There's nothing to explore.

Sure, that sucks. But that's also completely optional and only there if you go for a 100%, which is not just finishing the game.

i hope its the right one

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Clearly not good ones. The combat is fucking boring as shit. Once you get max affinity with Shulk/Dunban/Reyn/Riki or Fiora. The game is literally over. Apply Shulk's skill that increase chain link, topple the enemy, and just use red coded arts and everything dies in seconds. Every battle feels is same repetitive loop. Unless there was a section where you are forced to use certain characters, it was the most mindless experience ever.

That's not gacha. People would have complained less if the blades were just certain drops from particular enemies or quest rewards.

Yes, it's a better game

>there's nothing about this planet
every fucking time

Only brainlets, don't worry about it.

What JRPGs are you playing? I had a lot of fun mixing party comps and playing with different setups. Speed fiora, melia, or blowing up groups with massive dots from riki

It may be optional but it was the most boring grind ever to do that content.

it invalidates penuma's sacrifice not even 5 minutes after it happens, it's intentionally vague for no reason hiding what they say and not giving much closure like the epilogue sequence of 1, and them being separated instead of pneuma is probably the biggest asspull and was even confirmed by takahashi to be something he did on purpose to feel good rather than make any real sense

You did that to yourself, though. You didn't have to go through all of that.

I never leave games half-finished.

Galea is absolutely either an android or enhanced with core crystal technology, which would explain why she turned into a Guldo. It would also explain why she created the Machina in the 1 universe, machine like people in her image.