A small building surrounded by a chainlink fence is to the north. Menacing guards in heavy armor patrol the area

>A small building surrounded by a chainlink fence is to the north. Menacing guards in heavy armor patrol the area.

Attached: 1071274129874012740124.jpg (1580x916, 882.66K)

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When the Fallout series was still great.

>guard laughing at you for being a retard
>go to glow without any rad-x
>die from radiation when entering world map
I wasn't even mad and let's admit it most of you did this too

what do they eat??

gotta love how if you have low intelligence, Cabbot wont initiate any dialogue with you other than the "ok retard" response. this makes the last 2 parts of the game pretty much impossible

>this makes the last 2 parts of the game pretty much impossible
I wouldn't go that far. Only things you're missing out are Power Armor, which is useful but hardly required in F1


Unfiltered Kino

>...so we told that dude to go to irradiated death hole...and he did! The absolute madman!



Attached: katja rapped.jpg (640x480, 150.4K)

You will never get such music anymore

>>die from radiation
you mean die from poison NOT realizing that you stepped into a poisonous trap and being confused why the hell you keep dying when you have taken a bunch of Radaways and Rad-X?

Ever heard of Aphex Twin? Most of Fallout 1/2 tunes is plagiarism of his music.

fallout 1/2 is literal reddit nostalgiabait
fallout 4 is better in every single aspect.

>same genre
fuck off retard

weak bait, not even (You) worthy.


I can't believe you're still advertising this, youdid this the last time there was a fallout thread

shit i thought this was a zoo tycoon thread

L O L even that Mark Morgan doesn't try to pretend he didn't plagiarize his music so let it go

>the songs sound barely anything alike and Mark's songs are better in every case
Give me a break

Just wipe them out, will you?

Attached: latest[1].png (800x500, 266.65K)

Don't be ignorant on purpose. Almost the entire Fallout OST is the work of Aphex Twin.

Don't even try man. I tried to educate people on this in fallout threads before and the psychotic schizos that drool over F1/2 will literally deny the reality infront of them to defend their game's reputation.

>walk up close
>SMG burst fire

>the pentagon

Attached: Citadel.jpg (1280x960, 695.09K)

He's been doing it forever

Honestly a really cool base

that looks so stupid and boring? why are the cool guys in the power armor guariding such a small base? why can't they be like in a big building like the pentagon?

food? are you stupid?

i do it because it makes you seethe :)

Yep, died this way and overwrote my save, so my character was fucking doomed. Ended up restarting and having a way better time with the game since I learned how to actually play.

I took one look at the dialogue and instantly cringed.

The Mojave Chapter was fucking embarrassing.

>Fallout 3 Generic Ruin #4 with green filter
This is your brain on Methesda.

At least the inside is cool

What is your problem?

I didn't say interesting, I said cool. Take your pills or something

move around on all fours, you know like a cat

>"I'm only pretending to be retarded"

Attached: dog.gif (200x200, 158.36K)

He's still replying so that means it's working.

pill me on this user

most people here have never played it

>the 1 elevator for the 1 entrace stops working
>entire bos chapter starves to death

I agree, it's okay for Fallout 3, 4, and 76 to be total sacks of irredeemable shit because the Brotherhood of Steel base is Fallout 1 has a retarded design.

I dont care about some "aphex twin" or whatever the fuck hes called. Neither do I care if the Fallout composer ripped his shit. All I care about is that I grew up with F1&2 and the soundtrack is godlike and fits the game perfectly. Doom soundtrack is just a ripoff of some old school metal classics. Who cares.

Actual psycopath has been shilling his shitty AIdungeon tier erotic writting for years

>more like Compactagon.