What did international hero and professional B.O.W. killer Christopher Redfield mean by this?

What did international hero and professional B.O.W. killer Christopher Redfield mean by this?
Also Resident Evil thread

Attached: Chris kills Mia.webm (1920x1080, 1.79M)

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>"Sorry Ethan, but Claire is your new wife now"

he killed her because she was infected

his vampire sister is also infected, but in a different way

Attached: claire face HD.jpg (1080x1080, 200.71K)

Jesus, Redfield...
Do you actually intend to kill every single female on the planet just to get me to sleep with your sister.

Attached: leon resident evil reaction .jpg (225x225, 6.13K)

Chris has given up on Leon, only CHADTHAN can impregnate Claire now.

I just realized his pistol doesn't eject brass and the slide doesn't move

Chris knows Claire is the best woman for Leon and not that bitch in the red dress

this nigga is changing his face in every installement, how does he do it?

Well that would explain all the horrible things I've seen!

>A month in a half to more info
>Only in the next year we gonna get the full game
>if corona shit dont fuck up even more
The waiting is being awfull bros...

Attached: Sadjack.jpg (427x427, 71.81K)

>What did international hero and professional B.O.W. killer Christopher Redfield mean by this?
After years of Leon refusing to fuck his sister, he's become a homo supremacist and is now taking care of the breeder menace once and for all!

she gained a frigging blood transfusion by the end of RE7.If there is someone infected for sure is Ethan since we didnt saw hin being cured.They gonna pull some bllshit like Mia still being a villain somehow...tough deserving if true,ruining my boy Ethan life would be lame.

I have a feeling Ethan definitely won't be walking away from this game's events alive.

He means that even low level tutorial jobber zombies take 25 handgun bullets to kill on Professional, those were warning shots.

chris locks you in a room with his sister
he says you dont get out until you do it
how do you escape?

Attached: claire3582.jpg (888x888, 296.6K)

Tell Claire there's a little girl that's in danger.

>"Your offspring will be HAPA's, you might as well get a vasectomy now!"

I become her boyfriend. Claire's boyfriends are like chopper pilots in the RE universe, so I'd presumably turn into a BOW and die before we could shag.

Play other shit
Do other shit

I only got into RE a few months ago, played RE 5 and 6 first with a friend, then played 1 and 2 remake. When did the whole chris being a cuck for his sister start lmao

Why is he so fat?

why wouldnt you want your sister to have a family?

Attached: claire_dirty_023.jpg (1059x1080, 175.72K)

you can't punch the shit out of boulders by being a twink

everytime he loses to wesker, he bulks up

Attached: jillxchris_re5_struggle.webm (1920x1080, 457.65K)

I suppose if Claire was my sister I'd probably do the same thing

I just realized that the slide doesn't move back and forth when he fires.
What did they mean by this?


Nice ""Resident Evil"" game there, Capcom.

Attached: ZoomerHazard 8.png (1914x1414, 848.87K)

Oh great, here comes Michael again

Is he the resident evil?

just ignore him

>during Revelations 2, Claire's third attempted love interest fucking dies brutally
>her only living potential love interest is Leon, who has perma yellow fever, making Claire a cuckold
>this begins the Cucklaire meme
>some Vendetta story info comes out in like 2016
>Chris goes in with a group into a spooky mansion
>everybody predicts they'll all die
>big meme becomes that Chris always loses his men (which is why his weird angry/crying face from 6 is used in all of these memes, as that's him watching his men die)
>over time these memes merge
>eventually it turns into 'FUCK MY SISTER'

Attached: Claire posting has gone too far.png (910x361, 24.8K)

>What did international hero and professional B.O.W. killer Christopher Redfield mean by this?

I don't know who Michael is but fuck 1st person RE and fuck werewolves in Resident Evil.

RE has been batshit insane since RE3. Werewolves cross the line but not literal magic from Code Veronica?

this is a whole new level of cucking god damn. Claire is cucked by Leon, and Chris is cucked by claire, and is somewhat cucked by leon, who is somewhat cucked by Ada (bit of a reach). Is everyone in this series being cucked?

Everyone except Wesker and Barry really.
I guess Birkin as well since he fucked two women.

Attached: Claire is suffering.png (877x449, 45.55K)